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SVG rendering doesn't work in 2.53 #25

Open hyphaltip opened 11 years ago

hyphaltip commented 11 years ago

SVG rendering fails with "the rendering process crashed" - cannot seem to track down how this crashing beyond that. Happens with both render farm and local rendering.

Using 2.53 or master or development branches and Bio-Graphics 2.33. Happens with truetype on or off.

lstein commented 11 years ago

I can reproduce this and am trying to resolve it.

lstein commented 11 years ago

Tracked it down to a bug in Bio::Graphics. Bio::Graphics version 2.34 fixes the error.

hyphaltip commented 11 years ago

Thanks that does fix the error, however bigwig or bam tracks are not rendered in the resulting SVG file.

lstein commented 11 years ago

Ok, will reopen.