there is a bug report against the Debian packaged GBrowse which contains the hint:
In my limited understanding, error like
GD Warning: GD2 image support has been disabled
gdImageGd2Ptr error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.34/Storable.pm line 285, at /build/gbrowse-2.56+dfsg/t/../lib/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/CachedTrack.pm line 158.
come from the removal of some formats in libgd(3).
My understanding is even more limited and I'm simply forwarding this bug report to you.
Hi, there is a bug report against the Debian packaged GBrowse which contains the hint:
In my limited understanding, error like
come from the removal of some formats in libgd(3).
My understanding is even more limited and I'm simply forwarding this bug report to you.
Kind regards, Andreas.