GMOD / JBrowseR

R interface to the JBrowse 2 Linear Genome View.
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Check bam file existence in Shiny app #25

Open clbenoit opened 11 months ago

clbenoit commented 11 months ago

Hi !

Is there a way to check if a file exists on the server from R ? I tried RCurl::url.exists methods which never end on a JBrowseR::serve_data server...


Thanks a lot for your advice,

cmdcolin commented 11 months ago

can you describe the context of the problem you are looking at? jbrowse will probably e.g. give a 404 error if a track is opened when the file doesn't exist but wondering what issue you were running into in this case

clbenoit commented 11 months ago

I would like to get the 404 error from R (Shiny) in this case so my user ask to admin for adding the bam file in base. So I don’t wand to download content and just have a check. Avoiding direct call to system command if possible.

I triedRCurl::url.exists(url) andtrycatch({RCurl::getURL(url)} which both seem unresponsive in this case.

Thanks for you advice,

clbenoit commented 11 months ago

Got it, methods :

system("curl --head url')

Has to be executed within a different R session that the one executing JBrowseR::serve_data()