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Error reading from name store. #712

Closed man4ish closed 8 years ago

man4ish commented 8 years ago


I am getting pop up window erroe message when i start the browser.

Error reading from name store.

screenshot from 2016-03-07 15 45 22

Following is tranks.conf file.

{ "tracks" : [ { "chunkSize" : 20000, "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/Sequence/StaticChunked", "urlTemplate" : "seq/{refseq_dirpath}/{refseq}-", "type" : "SequenceTrack", "label" : "DNA", "category" : "Reference sequence", "key" : "Reference sequence" }, { "style" : { "className" : "feature" }, "key" : "GeneId", "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList", "trackType" : null, "urlTemplate" : "tracks/GeneId/{refseq}/trackData.json", "compress" : 0, "type" : "FeatureTrack", "label" : "GeneId" }, { "style" : { "className" : "feature" }, "key" : "RefGene", "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList", "trackType" : null, "urlTemplate" : "tracks/RefGene/{refseq}/trackData.json", "compress" : 0, "type" : "FeatureTrack", "label" : "RefGene" }, { "style" : { "className" : "feature" }, "key" : "DGV", "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList", "trackType" : null, "urlTemplate" : "tracks/DGV/{refseq}/trackData.json", "compress" : 0, "type" : "FeatureTrack", "label" : "DGV" }, { "style" : { "className" : "feature" }, "key" : "snp138", "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList", "trackType" : null, "urlTemplate" : "tracks/snp138/{refseq}/trackData.json", "compress" : 0, "type" : "FeatureTrack", "label" : "snp138" }, ], "names" : { "url" : "names/", "type" : "Hash" }, "formatVersion" : 1 }

How can i fix such issue?

cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

This error basically indicates a problem when was run. You can try to re-run on your data directory. In some cases, running " --hashBits 16" can fix it too.

man4ish commented 8 years ago

I ran with following command but still same error.

sudo perl bin/ --hashBits 16 WARNING: No feature names found for indexing, only reference sequence names will be indexed.

This is new setup where i have just reference sequence only but still i am gettting same error popup window.

cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

@man4ish I would recommend not using sudo. You should fix your permissions on your data directory "chown -R manish:manish data" or similar, and then run these commands without sudo. You can also see in your http error log if the files are being given permission denied.

man4ish commented 8 years ago

I changed permission also

-rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 7003 18 14:10 drwxrwxrwx 4 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 sample_data -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 3803 18 14:10 drwxrwxrwx 8 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 plugins -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 253 18 14:10 package.json -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 2962 18 14:10 Makefile.PL -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 33634 18 14:10 LICENSE -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 299 18 14:10 jbrowse_conf.json -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 2893 18 14:10 jbrowse.conf -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 97 18 14:10 INSTALL -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 4823 18 14:10 index.html drwxrwxrwx 2 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 img drwxrwxrwx 5 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 docs drwxrwxrwx 2 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 css -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 2145 18 14:10 compat_121.html drwxrwxrwx 2 manish manish 4096 18 14:10 browser -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 112142 18 14:10 release-notes.txt drwxrwxrwx 10 manish manish 4096 14:13 src drwxrwxrwx 5 manish manish 4096 7 22:42 extlib drwxrwxrwx 6 manish manish 4096 7 22:48 samtools-0.1.20 drwxrwxrwx 8 manish manish 4096 7 22:49 blib -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 60808 8 00:16 Makefile -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 2582 8 00:16 MYMETA.json -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 1504 8 00:16 MYMETA.yml -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 0 8 00:17 pm_to_blib -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 32139 11 20:17 setup.log drwxrwxrwx 2 manish manish 4096 14 19:41 bin -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 3147288982 17 19:09 genome.fa drwxrwxrwx 5 manish manish 4096 7 23:04 data

Command for generating name:

perl bin/ --hashBits 16

But still same error

man4ish commented 8 years ago

Is there anything that i need to change?

nathandunn commented 8 years ago

Just grasping at things: 1 - what are the permissions for the name-store in JBrowse (vs the other served documents)? . . unlikely to be the error, but an easy fix if so 2 - are you seeing any errors reported in your apache log or the console?

man4ish commented 8 years ago

Following is permisson for names store.

-rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 0 17 19:22 tracks.conf drwxrwxrwx 27 manish manish 4096 17 19:22 seq drwxrwxrwx 3 manish manish 4096 1 18:51 tracks -rwxrwxrwx 1 manish manish 782 7 23:25 trackList.json drwxrwxr-x 2 manish manish 4096 7 23:25 names

I just checked in console.

[](not well-formed jbrowse.conf:1:2 no element found tracks.conf:1:1 Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. dojo.js:171:494 Object { message: "Unable to load http://localhost/jbr…", stack: ".cache["dojo/errors/create"]/</</d@…", response: Object, status: 404, responseText: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD…", xhr: XMLHttpRequest } dojo.js:360:282

Object { message: "Unable to load http://localhost/jbr…", stack: ".cache["dojo/errors/create"]/</</d@…", response: Object, status: 404, responseText: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD…", xhr: XMLHttpRequest })

man4ish commented 8 years ago

Pls help me in fixing in this issue as i am stuck in my project.

cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

If you want, you can just remove this from trackList.json

"names" : { "url" : "names/", "type" : "Hash" },

And the error will go away

The search functionality won't be enabled, but there are not any features being indexed apparently, so in that case it does not change anything

man4ish commented 8 years ago

This solves the problem but not sure later hash-name is needed or not?

cmdcolin commented 8 years ago

It won't cause any problems really without it enabled.

If you want to enable searching, you can re-run, and hopefully have better luck. Feel free to re-open the issue when then happens!