Named faults are not being produced in Runzi, because the guard condition require a fault_model meta argument in the rupture set file. & this is not a direct relationships for these derivied solutions.
Possible fixes.
(A) remove the fault_mode test and just run them anyway (this is actually fine now, since all modern IS are built frm a valid fault_mode
(B) have the file_meta query look at the metadata of the source_solution instead os the derived solution see beloqw ...
query td or scaled_vs_upstream {
node_IS:node(id:"SW52ZXJzaW9uU29sdXRpb246MTA5ODE4") {
... on InversionSolution {
#meta{k v}
# node_TD:node(id:"VGltZURlcGVuZGVudEludmVyc2lvblNvbHV0aW9uOjExMzUyNQ==") {
# __typename
# ... on TimeDependentInversionSolution {
node_SID:node(id:"U2NhbGVkSW52ZXJzaW9uU29sdXRpb246MTEyMDY5") {
... on ScaledInversionSolution {
meta{k v}
source_solution {
#meta {k v}
produced_by {
... on AutomationTask {
files {
edges {
node {
file {
... on File {
meta {k v}
Named faults are not being produced in Runzi, because the guard condition require a fault_model meta argument in the rupture set file. & this is not a direct relationships for these derivied solutions. Possible fixes.