When the user is using the GT FlipChart with Derived InversionSolutions (ie TimeDependent, Scaled, Aggregate) the meta tags component (not sure what it's really called) is not visible. I think it's because the meta tags are not directly attached to the derived solution.
So, for TD and Scaled solutions please modify the query so that the meta data is retrieved from the InversionSolution ancestor from predecessors and make the meta components visible.
NB I first thoguht to use source_solution, but this doesn't work when we have IS -> TDIS -> SIS (which is common now). So instead please use predecessors, which makes all the ancestors available, then choose the right one (based on __typename)
Done When
[ ] TDIS solution show the meta tags of their upstream Inversion Solution in GT flipboard
[ ] SIS solution show the meta tags of their upstream Inversion Solution in GT flipboard
Sample query:
query predecessor_meta {
node_SID:node(id:"U2NhbGVkSW52ZXJzaW9uU29sdXRpb246MTEzNjM0") {
... on ScaledInversionSolution {
meta{k v}
predecessors {
node {
... on File {
file_meta:meta {k v}
... on InversionSolution {
is_meta:meta {k v}
... on TimeDependentInversionSolution {
td_meta:meta{k v}
When the user is using the GT FlipChart with Derived InversionSolutions (ie TimeDependent, Scaled, Aggregate) the meta tags component (not sure what it's really called) is not visible. I think it's because the meta tags are not directly attached to the derived solution.
So, for TD and Scaled solutions please modify the query so that the meta data is retrieved from the InversionSolution ancestor from predecessors and make the meta components visible.
NB I first thoguht to use
, but this doesn't work when we have IS -> TDIS -> SIS (which is common now). So instead please use predecessors, which makes all the ancestors available, then choose the right one (based on __typename)Done When
Sample query:
returns ...