GNS3 / gns3-registry

GNS3 devices registry
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New Appliance Different Versions but same image filename #702

Closed josephillips85 closed 1 year ago

josephillips85 commented 1 year ago

Hi Im creating a new appliance but different versions use the same filename Example

Appliance 1.0 = imagefile.qcow2 md5=123456 Appliance 2.0 = imagefile.qcow2 md5=7891011 GN3 send the md5 warning with the newest version but if you ignore you will see the same image on both versions.

how can be handled on this situation?

eantowne commented 1 year ago

You can change the name for the file. The filename really does not matter as far as I can tell, as it seems to validate by the md5 hash. So you could use something like the below:

Appliance 1.0 = imagefile-1.0.qcow2 md5=123456 Appliance 2.0 = imagefile-2.0.qcow2 md5=7891011