GNS3 / gns3-registry

GNS3 devices registry
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New appliance format (version 8) #734

Closed grossmj closed 10 months ago

grossmj commented 1 year ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **grossmj** January 16, 2023 With GNS3 v3.0 around the corner, it would be a great opportunity to change the appliance file format to add flexibility for custom settings / hardware configuration for specific versions and also add some other improvements: Here is what I have in mind for now: * Support for more than one emulator settings / hardware configurations. One config can be assigned to a specific version using its name. The default config is used (`default` field must be configured if there are multiple configs) or the only config present if none is explicitly assigned to a version. Should we refer to this as "configs" or "settings"? * Support for different checksum algorithms by adding a `checksum_type` field (md5, sha256 etc.) and replacing `md5sum` by a `checksum` field in the `images` section. What algorithms should we support in addition of md5 and sha256? * Should we add `default_username` and `default_password` fields? Example: ``` { "appliance_id": "709c2a9b-5dc3-4362-b147-fb848a0df963", "name": "My appliance", "category": "router", "description": "This is my new appliance", "vendor_name": "Cisco", "vendor_url": "", "documentation_url": "", "product_name": "Appliance product xxx", "product_url": "", "registry_version":8, "status": "experimental", "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", "maintainer_email": "", "usage": "This is how to use my appliance", "default_username": "cisco", "default_password": "admin", "symbol": "router.svg", "first_port_name": "eth0", "port_name_format": "eth{port1}", "settings": [ { "name": "Default settings", "type": "qemu", "default": true, "adapter_type": "e1000", "adapters": 2, "ram": 4096, "cpus": 1, "hda_disk_interface": "scsi", "arch": "x86_64", "console_type": "vnc", "boot_priority": "cd", "kvm": "require", "options": "" }, { "name": "Custom settings for version 7.10.2", "type": "qemu", "adapters": 4, "ram": 8192, "cpus": 1 } ], "images": [ { "filename": "file.iso", "version": "7.10.2", "checksum": "ef8712e655fcbc92dc1a1551ee2e4a80", "checksum_type": "md5", "filesize": 1287245824, "download_url": "" }, { "filename": "file2.iso", "version": "6.10.4", "checksum": "e5b844cc57f57094ea4585e235f36c78c1cd222262bb89d53c94dcb4d6b3e55d", "checksum_type": "sha256", "filesize": 3949459594, "download_url": "" }, { "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", "version": "1.0", "checksum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", "checksum_type": "md5", "filesize": 198656, "download_url": "", "direct_download_url": "" } ], "versions": [ { "name": "7.10.2", "settings": "Custom settings for version 7.10.2", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", "cdrom_image": "file.iso" } }, { "name": "6.10.4", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", "cdrom_image": "file2.iso" } } ] } ``` Please let me know if you have comments / suggestions.
eantowne commented 1 year ago

Should we refer to this as "configs" or "settings"?

  • I think "settings" may be better so as to not cause confusion with the configuration within the given OS. What algorithms should we support in addition of md5 and sha256?
  • Honestly I think that, from a security perspective to prevent/reduce the chance of a malicious actor taking advantage of a collision, SHA256 would be the minimum. Most vendors are providing SHA256 and it seems to be the general standard. I truly do not see a reason for providing multiples, beyond recursive validation by a user for manual download to compare the hash in the .gns3a/Marketplace vs the vendor provided hash. Should we add default_username and default_password fields?
  • I think this is a glorious idea!
grossmj commented 1 year ago

Thanks @eantowne, I will also use your ideas from the discussion to create the new format. Also, I think we should just make it a evolution from the current format (aka version 8) and still support older versions in GNS3 v3.0 otherwise it would be a nightmare to maintain two different branches for appliances.

eantowne commented 1 year ago

I would agree with enabling backwards compatibility. I would use version 30 though, gives plenty of room for updates to the 2.x branch, and clearly delineates itself as the new and improved contestant.

One thing does occur to me though, and that is, how is this going to work for the Marketplace? For instance, my intention is to create a whole bunch of updates for a wide variety of appliances to take advantage of the new file capabilities. This will basically create duplicate .gns3a's for certain appliances. Does there need to be some form of check by the Marketplace sync to look if the .gns3a is 3.0 compatible and then label it as such? Or would it be easier to have two separate appliance list in the Marketplace? Even then, a 3.0 controller will be able to read and import a v4 or 3.0 compatible, but then when do we stop updating 2.x compatible appliances?

grossmj commented 1 year ago

One thing does occur to me though, and that is, how is this going to work for the Marketplace? For instance, my intention is to create a whole bunch of updates for a wide variety of appliances to take advantage of the new file capabilities. This will basically create duplicate .gns3a's for certain appliances. Does there need to be some form of check by the Marketplace sync to look if the .gns3a is 3.0 compatible and then label it as such? Or would it be easier to have two separate appliance list in the Marketplace? Even then, a 3.0 controller will be able to read and import a v4 or 3.0 compatible, but then when do we stop updating 2.x compatible appliances?

Actually I was thinking we would update appliances to take advantage of the new file capabilities only when needed, for instance if we need different hardware configurations. I know this is not ideal and that would mean these appliances cannot be used in GNS3 v2.x

I think there are 2 possible solutions:


grossmj commented 1 year ago

Copy all .gns3a appliances to a new directory in the repo and convert them to the new format. The marketplace would then have two separate appliance lists with a toggle button to switch between v2 and v3. Main problem is we would have to maintain 2 separate lists for a while until v3 is well established (this could be for a long time, especially I predict some users will want to stay on v2 because the local server is supported on Windows).

We could also have 2 different branches, master for v2 and 3.0 for v3. Then we would just merge changes done on master into 3.0

eantowne commented 1 year ago

We could also have 2 different branches, master for v2 and 3.0 for v3. Then we would just merge changes done on master into 3.0

Wouldn't this merge be a massive issue?

For instance Juniper vMX current .gns3a does not support the ability to have a multi-RE/PFE configuration. The new format would. How does the 2.x format merge into the 3.0 format without causing issues, or at least confusion if going with a 2 file model.

I think there may be an argument for just keeping the 2.x and 3.x branches completely separate. If the 2.x branch does not get "official" updates, but the 3.x does, this might also help push people to upgrade to 3.x if they cannot find the template they need in 2.x, but it is sitting there in 3.x.

There comes a point where supporting the "old" versions may not be worth the effort. I am not saying just immediately stop all 2.x registry work the day that 3.x is released, but I think a planned obsolesce might be a good thing. Announcing an end-date for 2.x registry support projected out X months from 3.x release?

grossmj commented 1 year ago

Wouldn't this merge be a massive issue?

Correct, this is why will we introduce a version 8 of the current format and support it in both >= v2.2.41 and 3.0. This means a bit more work for us but I believe this will create less headaches down the road.

grossmj commented 1 year ago

I have tried to include all the suggestions but please let me know if you see something that needs to be added/changed. Support for more that 4 drives for Qemu VMs will be added later in 3.x so that should be added in another version of the appliance format.

Summary of what this version will support:


    "appliance_id": "709c2a9b-5dc3-4362-b147-fb848a0df963",
    "name": "My appliance",
    "category": "router",
    "description": "This is my new appliance",
    "vendor_name": "Cisco",
    "vendor_url": "",
    "documentation_url": "",
    "product_name": "Appliance product xxx",
    "product_url": "",
    "status": "experimental",
    "maintainer": "GNS3 Team",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "installation_instructions": "This is how to install this appliance",
    "usage": "This is how to use my appliance",
    "symbol": "router.svg",
    "default_username": "cisco",
    "default_password": "admin",
    "settings": [
            "name": "Default template settings",
            "default": true,
            "template_type": "qemu",
                    "symbol": "multilayer_router.svg",
                    "first_port_name": "ethernet0",
                    "port_name_format": "ethernet{port1}",
                    "adapter_type": "e1000",
                    "adapters": 2,
                    "ram": 4096,
                    "cpus": 1,
                    "hda_disk_interface": "scsi",
                    "platform": "x86_64",
                    "console_type": "vnc",
                    "boot_priority": "cd",
                    "options": ""
            "name": "Custom settings for version 7.10.2",
            "template_type": "qemu",
            "inherit_default_properties": false,
                    "adapters": 4,
                    "ram": 8192,
                    "cpus": 1
    "images": [
            "filename": "file.iso",
            "version": "7.10.2",
            "checksum": "ef8712e655fcbc92dc1a1551ee2e4a80",
            "checksum_type": "md5",
            "filesize": 1287245824,
            "download_url": ""
            "filename": "file2.iso",
            "version": "6.10.4",
            "checksum": "68232f77da8f78cdc9aa6f3266a4d4c0",
            "filesize": 3949459594,
            "download_url": ""
            "filename": "empty100G.qcow2",
            "version": "1.0",
            "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65",
            "filesize": 198656,
            "download_url": "",
            "direct_download_url": ""
    "versions": [
            "name": "7.10.2",
            "settings": "Custom settings for version 7.10.2",
            "images": {
                "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2",
                "cdrom_image": "file.iso"
            "name": "6.10.4",
            "default_username": "admin123",
            "default_password": "admin123",
            "installation_instructions": "This is how to install this version",
            "usage": "This is how to use this version",
            "symbol": "ethernet_switch.svg",
            "images": {
                "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2",
                "cdrom_image": "file2.iso"