GNS3 / gns3-registry

GNS3 devices registry
GNU General Public License v3.0
323 stars 387 forks source link

please do not quickly delete or rename dockers #802

Closed josephmhiggins closed 11 months ago

josephmhiggins commented 11 months ago

this post is in response to another post, which is write protected:

the issue about the docker network_automation is only that it is not optimized for export project:

thiago wants to get gns3 certified:

the gns3 certification study material at: says: Describe and verify the Python Telnet library for network device automation Describe, verify and troubleshoot the use of Netmiko for network device automation Describe, verify and troubleshoot the use of NAPALM for network device automation

After copying and pasting the ensuing spreadsheet, I will go check if David Bombal uses the toolbox or network_automation docker soon.

The way that the gns3 marketplace appliance is not friendly to me, but I know nothing about how to make a webpage. My dockers.xlsx 2 days ago was (and it is now outdated but it was sincere when it was constructed):

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="">

Gns3 Dockers | Console Types | Docker Features | Persistence Supported | Docker Path -- | -- | -- | -- | -- AAA | console auxiliary |   |   | adosztal/aaa DNS | console auxiliary |   |   | adosztal/dns gns3-Chromium | vnc |   | yes | gns3/chromium gns3-endhost | console auxiliary | bash bindtools curl iperf iputils links mtr nano nmap openssh rsync socat vim |   | gns3/endhost ipterm | console auxiliary | curl host iperf3 iproute2 mtools mtr net-tools ping socat ssh client tcpdump telnet traceroute webterm | /root | gns3/ipterm Kali Linux CLI | console auxiliary | metasploit-framework nmap hydra sqlmap telnet openssh-client dnsutils yersinia ettercap-text-only cisco-global-exploiter cisco-auditing-tool snmp  dsniff  dnschef fping hping3 tshark python3-scapy yersinia | yes | gns3/kalilinux mcjoin | console auxiliary | multicast tool |   | troglobit/mcjoin MikrotikWinBox | vnc auxilary |   |   | gns3/mikrotik-winbox NetworkAutomation | console auxiliary | telnet curl openssh-client nano vim-tiny iputils-ping net-tools python3 ansible cryptography netmiko napalm pyntc paramiko | ~ is persistent | adosztal/network_automation ntopng | web-ui auxiliary | traffic monitoring |   | ntop/ntopng:stable OstinatoWireshark | console auxiliary |   |   | gns3/ostinato-wireshark Toolbox | console auxiliary | Netmiko NAPALM Pyntc Ansible | ~ is persistent | adosztal/net_toolbox UbuntuDockerGuest | console auxiliary | net-tools iproute2 ping traceroute curl host iperf3 mtr socat ssh client tcpdump telnet mtools |   | gns3/ubuntu:focal webterm | vnc auxilary | firefox | yes | gns3/webterm WordPress | console auxiliary |   |   | turnkeylinux/wordpress