Open grossmj opened 5 years ago
brtfs snapshots could also be used. More broadly, snapshots could eventually be delegated to a script provided by (advanced) users.
In summary here are the steps using brtfs (in French from B3r3n):
btrfs snapshot permet de
faire du versionning de fichier en operation atomique.
En d'autres termes, si tu delegues a un script les snapshots des appliances,
le script pourra alors faire comme bon lui semble et au niveau service, le
qemu snapshot est pulverise...
Pour la faire courte:
- GNS3 liste les snapshots disponibles (format a definir pour l'I/O)
- GNS3 recoit l'ordre de rollback noeud X / version Y et le transmets au
script qui fait le taf. Soit le script coupe le noeud, soit GNS3 le fait.
Apres et dans la mesure ou on aurait :
~gns3/projects/uuid/projects-files/uuid/ en volume BTRFS (script de migration
a faire, facile), soit :
mv ~gns3/projects/uuid/projects-files/uuid
btrfs sub del ~gns3/projects/uuid/projects-files/uuid
btrfs sub snap snapshot_ad hoc ~gns3/projects/uuid/projects-files/uuid
operation atomique, fait en 1 parsec.
Node peut alors redemarrer
ZFS enforces hierarchical snapshots, meaning if you have T0 T1 T2 and you restore T1, it will destroy T2. BTRfs does not have this problem
Let's go with BTRfs then :)
Idea from B3r3n:
GNS3 offers to snapshot via the classical method : copying the image/config. This works fine but it is awfully slow. To play my CTF, I involved ZFS snapshots, much faster and less space consuming. Associated with a project-control start/stop script, it was a killer :slightly_smiling_face:. I would like to consider the idea of a new GNS3 config feature : capability to delegate to a script the snapshots. Script would react as function : taking args and returning values. I imaging a gns-snapshot create|list|rollback|destroy project/node_uuid could be enough... I can provide the script if you accept the idea and feedback on args to give/get back.