I am new and this is the first module that I tried to install. I got a problem when I want to import the module. First I will tell you how I installed it:
I saved the zip file in "...miniconda3\envs\informatik2\Lib\site-packages"
After extracting the zip "gnsspy-master" I had to call it "gnsspyMaster" because Python doesn't like it if a module name has a "-"
Changed in setup.py the 17th line to "return [str(ir.requirement) for ir in reqs]"
Opened "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" changed the address to "...miniconda3\envs\informatik2\Lib\site-packages/gnsspyMaster"
entered "python setup.py install"
Opened Python 3.7 entered "import gnsspyMaster" and "help(gnsspyMaster)"
" Help on package gnsspyMaster:
gnsspy (package)
Entered in Python "import gnsspyMaster.gnsspy"
Then I got this Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\annae\Desktop\SatPos\untitled0.py", line 9, in <module>
import gnsspyMaster.gnsspy
File "C:\Users\annae\miniconda3\envs\informatik2\lib\site-packages\gnsspyMaster\gnsspy\__init__.py", line 23, in <module>
from gnsspy.io.readFile import (read_navFile, read_obsFile, read_sp3File,
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gnsspy.io'
Why do I get this Error and how can I fix it? I am using Python 3.7
Hello! I am new and this is the first module that I tried to install. I got a problem when I want to import the module. First I will tell you how I installed it:
I saved the zip file in "...miniconda3\envs\informatik2\Lib\site-packages"
After extracting the zip "gnsspy-master" I had to call it "gnsspyMaster" because Python doesn't like it if a module name has a "-"
Changed in setup.py the 17th line to "return [str(ir.requirement) for ir in reqs]"
Opened "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" changed the address to "...miniconda3\envs\informatik2\Lib\site-packages/gnsspyMaster"
entered "python setup.py install"
Opened Python 3.7 entered "import gnsspyMaster" and "help(gnsspyMaster)"
" Help on package gnsspyMaster:
Entered in Python "import gnsspyMaster.gnsspy"
Then I got this Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
Why do I get this Error and how can I fix it? I am using Python 3.7