Thank you for this toolkit.
i) Will you be releasing documentation soon?
ii) How would I visualize GNSS data (skyplot, azimuth-elevation,time-elevation, ground track and band plots) of a given RINEX (v3) file?
--okay. So its rinex.obs in stn = gp.read_obsFile('./log_rinex/Ctwn-SB_obs_log_202111081430.obs') then gp.sp3_interp(stn.epoch, interval=stn.interval, poly_degree=16, sp3_product="igs", clock_product="igs") to get the orbit. Here I fail.
Downloading: igs21830.sp3.Z | Requested file igs21830.sp3.Z cannot be not found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
Input In [9] in <cell line: 1>
orbit = gp.sp3_interp(stn.epoch, interval=stn.interval, poly_degree=16,
File ~\miniconda3\envs\rt_ppp-env\lib\site-packages\gnsspy\position\ in sp3_interp
yes = readFile.read_sp3File(yesterday)
File ~\miniconda3\envs\rt_ppp-env\lib\site-packages\gnsspy\io\ in read_sp3File
File ~\miniconda3\envs\rt_ppp-env\lib\site-packages\gnsspy\funcs\ in isexist
extract_archive(fileName + ".Z", outdir=_CWD)
File ~\miniconda3\envs\rt_ppp-env\lib\site-packages\patoolib\ in extract_archive
File ~\miniconda3\envs\rt_ppp-env\lib\site-packages\patoolib\ in check_existing_filename
raise PatoolError("file `%s' was not found" % filename)
PatoolError: file `igs21830.sp3.Z' was not found
Is this due to NASA CDDIS now requiring username and password credentials? Either way I got it manually. How do I proceed?
Thank you for this toolkit. i) Will you be releasing documentation soon?
ii) How would I visualize GNSS data (skyplot, azimuth-elevation,time-elevation, ground track and band plots) of a given RINEX (v3) file?
--okay. So its rinex.obs in
stn = gp.read_obsFile('./log_rinex/Ctwn-SB_obs_log_202111081430.obs')
thengp.sp3_interp(stn.epoch, interval=stn.interval, poly_degree=16, sp3_product="igs", clock_product="igs")
to get the orbit. Here I fail.Is this due to NASA CDDIS now requiring username and password credentials? Either way I got it manually. How do I proceed?
iii) Basemap is depreciated. Are there plans to migrate to Cartopy?