GNVR-Dev / DazUERig

Rename - Remove - Reparent Daz bones to use Unreal Engine manneguin animations
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The last step which has us changing the additive settings to mesh space is breaking animBP #1

Open wvaughn409 opened 3 years ago

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago

Hello. I'm using this script (thank you BTW) to bring Daz characters into Unreal, and it works with standard run of the mill animation blueprints, but my game uses Advanced Locomotion plugin, and when I change all the associated animations to mesh space, it completely breaks the anim bp. the character just disappears from the preview window. it claims to still be rendering the skeletal mesh but it is nowhere to be found. it's just gone from the window. playing the game results in similar behavior. everything works, but just no player mesh. Is there any way to make this work without the last step? Or do you have any insight on what might be happening here?

GNVR-Dev commented 3 years ago

I figured out why it's happening but have no solution yet. It looks like the same issue as here: Only... I'm not sure how to make the first animation "not additive" in the Advanced Locomotion plugin.

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. It's a relief to know you're looking into it. I have been hammering away at this to no avail. One thing that worked with a simple animation blueprint, like the one that comes with the third person template, was to select the Daz mesh and then create a blendspace1D from that, and then just not do anything to it, but drag it into the animation blueprint, and wherever there was an instance of an animation sequence, to create a blend mesh space node and feed it in there. That allowed me to get the template 3rd person to work, with some weird floaty issues (it looks like the character's root is no longer anchored, but the mesh is animating from the pelvis after switching to mesh space, so the feet come off the ground when they're not supposed to and it looks strangely robotic). So that went in the right direction, but when I tried the same technique with the Advanced Locomotion plugin it was not so successful. I made dozens of edits but still having multiple issues. I will try to make some GIFs of the things I found and drop some screenshots...

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago

i made a very exhaustive video of all the techniques I've tried in order to resolve this. Can I get your contact info so I can send you the link directly? I'm hoping it might provide some insight.

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago


This shows the combining of a blendspace1D with a blend mesh space node. I've done this in many places and have had some success, but I'm still not able to get the animation blueprint to behave 100% correctly.

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago

Here is the current state of things: meshSpaceAdditiveBlend

GNVR-Dev commented 3 years ago

i made a very exhaustive video of all the techniques I've tried in order to resolve this. Can I get your contact info so I can send you the link directly? I'm hoping it might provide some insight.

Are you on the Daz Forums? I have a post there to discuss as well. It might offer more options for linking video and we may find other users trying to figure this out as well. You can direct message me there too if we need to figure out a way for you to send me the file directly.

wvaughn409 commented 3 years ago

I tried to post in the discussion provided in the link but it would not let me post. looks like the thread is locked or something. Hey there. I've been having some trouble with this. changing to mesh space on the anims in Unreal is not an option for me. So I have been trying to understand the issue more clearly and here is what i've found. First I exported both the standard Unreal SK mannequin and the newly imported Daz character (using the script) out to FBX. Then I tested to make sure that when I re-imported the SK_mannequin (it's actually a mannequin from a plugin, but is mapped to the standard sk_manneequin skelteon) from Maya, that it still worked. This tells me that I can successfully export the mannequin, make changes, re-import and it still works (with an extra step and changing the import rotation settings). So then I compared the sk_mannequin and the Daz character in Maya, and at first glance they appear to be nearly identical, save for daz having extra face bones and missing the V-shaped IK bone arrangement...


...But when I import the standard skeleton over top the Daz character, which should work perfectly since they are both mapped to the same skeleton using the script, instead of coming in 1:1, this is what happens to the Daz character: image

...And I discovered what is happening here. If I select the mesh, choose rigging from the menu toolbar, then choose the menu option Skin>Go To Bind Pose, here is the result: image

Notice that the bind-pose is well shall we say foobar. The skeleton should appear normal during the bind pose, but instead it is splayed out with all the IK/twist bones at strange right angles.

So for whatever reason use of the script does not map the Daz character to the sk_mannequin skeleton in its default bone locations and rotations, but instead rather this strange perpecdicular configuration. I don't know if this helps diagnose the issue, but this is where I'm stuck at the moment.

GNVR-Dev commented 3 years ago

It looks like your Daz Forums post did work. It might have been on hold because it was from a new account. I will answer there to keep the post more visible and hopefully find more help.

artizzq commented 3 years ago

So how do we solve a problem, huh?

GNVR-Dev commented 3 years ago

You can solve a problem however you would like. I will help as much as I can. The more people that are able to help the better. Posting here doesn't get a lot of views. Posting on higher traffic sites like the Daz or Unreal forums might get more visibility, raise awareness of the script, and possibly find more people that can help get this particular issue resolved.