GOALS-survey / CAFE

Spectral decomposition that works for astronomical data
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Re-implement ini file writing as an output #9

Open lfinnerty opened 1 year ago

lfinnerty commented 1 year ago

This was previously an option, but seems to have been dropped. It was functioning in the version in the pyCafe goalscode repo. See line 700 of pycafe.py and the write_param_file() function at line 56 of pycafelib.py in that version. It would return an input file with added metadata, the best-fit parameters, the bounds used, and all the input settings. It would list the line parameters individually, which required some modifications to the loading function so that it could correctly load specific lines, which would also tell you which lines had been dropped during the fitting.

Screenshot is attached, I also have a bunch of examples locally.


tdiazsantos commented 1 year ago

Hi Luke, Thanks for the message. I'll look up for the function in the old repository.