eCommerce project using frontcontroller
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error doc #2

Open GOLLASATYAHARISH opened 7 years ago

GOLLASATYAHARISH commented 7 years ago

500 error: ans: syntax error 1)param error shown at particular line implies need to close the tag at that line. 2) showing code at console 1)write output jsp in correct format check using simple code and add styles 2)use only spring forms or html form ,both will not work 3) 404 error: ans: page not found 1)check Dispatcher-servlet.xml at value="/" and base package 2)check @Requestmapping and return given correctly or not. 3)check web.xml given path correctly or not "WEB-INF/views"

GOLLASATYAHARISH commented 7 years ago

org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [com.niit.dao.RegDAO] found for dependency [com.niit.dao.RegDAO]: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)

ans:)missmatch in model and dao

GOLLASATYAHARISH commented 7 years ago


find the where the dipstureservlet ,context param to check ans: eclipse error just go to properties delpyment Assembly, add maven dependensies