GOMC-WSU / MoSDeF-dihedral-fit

MoSDeF-dihedral-fit: A simple software package to fit dihedrals via the MoSDeF software
MIT License
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changed paper date and fixed a few typos. #128

Closed bc118 closed 1 month ago

bc118 commented 1 month ago

changed paper date and fixed a few typos.

1) In the sentence below, removed the following word "and" marked as code: "The software outputs the calculated MM dihedral points, enabling users to fit unsupported dihedral forms, provided the force fields are supported by the MoSDeF, GPU Optimized Monte Carlo (GOMC), and MoSDeF-GOMC [@Crawford:2023a; @Crawford:2022; @Crawford:2023b; @Nejahi:2019; @Nejahi:2021], and vmd-python [@vmd-python:2016] software (a derivative of the VMD software [@Humphrey:1996; @Stone:2001])."

2) In the sentence below, added a needed space where it is marked as code - AMBER[@Horton:2022] ---> _**AMBER [@Horton:2022]**_ :

"Some integrated dihedral fitting software currently exists for AMBER[@Horton:2022] or CHARMM-style force fields [@Mayne:2013], and other software will fit the dihedral constants to the final MM and QM energies, which need to be calculated by other means [@Guvench:2008]."