GPTutor / gptutor-extension

MIT License
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Install & Setup #1

Closed SvenMeyer closed 1 year ago

SvenMeyer commented 1 year ago

I am using VScode on Linux.

1) If I search for "GPTutor" or even just "GPT" (so it finds other extension), "GPTutor" does not show up in the list of available extension in the marketplace.


Thus I downloaded the extension gptutor.gptutor-0.0.5.vsix and installed that.

2) Now GPTutor shows up in the list of installed extensions, but init command does not work and strangely GPTutor does not show up in User or Workspace settings ...

VScode - Extensions - GPTutor

Eventually after restarting code 3x and trying it 2-3 more times, I managed to set the API key and model ...

3) When I execute GPTutor:Active or GPTutor:Audit I get just a white input fiel in the top left (see 4) and an error message ...


4) Here it looks like GPTutor is currently the active Extension which is a bit hard to figure out because there is no icon, just a black area ..

5) When I type a question into th einput field and hit Return, nothing comes back ...


EasonC13 commented 1 year ago

We are delighted to inform you that GPTutor has undergone an update, resulting in a new onboarding flow. We are confident that this update has addressed the issue you raised.