GPUOpen-Effects / TressFX

DirectX 12 and Vulkan libraries that provide convenient access to realistically rendered and simulated hair and fur
MIT License
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Porting to consoles ? #5

Open LifeIsStrange opened 8 years ago

LifeIsStrange commented 8 years ago

Hello, firstly thanks to make opensource software :) I am a console developer, are there any plan to port gpuopen effects on consoles ? This would be awesome for consoles and also for AMD because with this gpuopen should become far more interesting than gameworks

Sorry for my bad english.

jstewart-amd commented 8 years ago

While we certainly recognize the value of officially supporting GPUOpen effects on the consoles, we are not ready to say one way or the other what our plans are at this time.

I'm leaving this issue open to remind myself to come back and say something less vague once we have something less vague to say on the subject.

LifeIsStrange commented 8 years ago

Thanks, also recent gameworks slides says that they want to port gameworks on consoles

Also, not related to this issue but really interesting for AMD devs, thanks to your great opensource move, Nvidia is forced to do the same :) Gameworks is being opensourced !! I hope that you will be able to take some stuff and adding this to gpuopen and also to better optimise for your drivers now that you can read the code.