When playing Star Wars Squadrons in VR mode using Relive on Oculus Quest, some of the game's HUD elements (most notably the targeting indicators) don't follow the HMD's rotation correctly, as if the tracking is offset or inverted.
This is the same issue as described in this Reddit post, which includes a video demonstration of the issue.
Various people have reported this issue (such as in this EA bug tracker), but all of them use WMR or the Valve Index. None of the solutions that I could find there work for my setup.
I've tried:
Using Oculus Link and Air Link (the issue doesn't occur, but performance and compression are much worse so I would like to use ReLive if possible)
Changing the headset profile and foveated scaling options (no effect)
Opting into the Steam VR beta (no effect)
Re-doing Steam VR room setup (no effect)
Using various different versions of the AMD Adrenaline driver (no effect)
Usin an older version of the Quest client (version 1.0.9, no effect)
I can't test VD as I don't own it, and can't test ALVR as it doesn't support my GPU
When playing Star Wars Squadrons in VR mode using Relive on Oculus Quest, some of the game's HUD elements (most notably the targeting indicators) don't follow the HMD's rotation correctly, as if the tracking is offset or inverted.
This is the same issue as described in this Reddit post, which includes a video demonstration of the issue.
Various people have reported this issue (such as in this EA bug tracker), but all of them use WMR or the Valve Index. None of the solutions that I could find there work for my setup.
I've tried:
I can't test VD as I don't own it, and can't test ALVR as it doesn't support my GPU
System info:
- Windows 10 Home - Intel Core i7-3770 - AMD Radeon R9 380 - Radeon Software version 21.5.2 (enabled ReLive using [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/fux9un/get_relive_back_on_adrenaline_2020_edition_drivers/)) - Oculus Quest - ReLive client version 1.0.26OpenVR settings.json contents:
{ "Application" : { "AdjustChaperone" : true, "EnableManagementServer" : false, "HeadsetProfile" : "Oculus Rift CV1", "ManagementServerPort" : 8080, "PairedHeadsetsOnly" : false, "PairingModeEnabled" : false, "UseControllers" : true }, "Audio" : { "In_Channels" : 2, "In_SampleFormat" : "S16", "In_SampleRate" : 44100, "Out_AudioBitrate" : 128000, "Out_TimeShift" : 0 }, "Common" : { "SettingsVersion" : 9 }, "Controller" : { "DOF" : 6, "Description" : "" }, "Display" : { "10BitSRGB" : false, "DOF" : 6, "DumpPath" : "", "EnableDump" : false, "EncoderResolution" : { "height" : 0, "width" : 0 }, "EyeResolution" : { "height" : 1440, "width" : 1440 }, "FOV" : { "height" : 1.7453292608261108, "width" : 1.7453292608261108 }, "IPD" : 0.0640000030398369, "MaxFrameRate" : 10000.0000000000000000, "MinFrameRate" : 40.0000000000000000, "VideoBitrate" : 100000000, "VideoCodec" : "default" }, "Headset" : { "DatagramSize" : 65507, "LogPath" : "", "Network" : "UDP", "Port" : 1235, "VirtualWallSize" : { "height" : 0.0000000000000000, "width" : 0.0000000000000000 }, "VirtualWallType" : "None" } }