GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs / RadeonProRenderBlenderAddon

This hardware-agnostic rendering plug-in for Blender uses accurate ray-tracing technology to produce images and animations of your scenes, and provides real-time interactive rendering and continuous adjustment of effects.
Apache License 2.0
479 stars 58 forks source link

RPR Crash when trying to create/update materiel preview #663

Open G4br13lG0 opened 7 months ago

G4br13lG0 commented 7 months ago

It crashes when I open any menu that contains a materiel preview (that little ball) Screenshot from 2023-12-19 20-24-03 Screenshot from 2023-12-19 20-24-21 those were created with Cycles, when I use it with RPR it opens and render fine, but it crashes when I modify the material and open one of those menus

the following appear on the crash

2023-12-19 20:11:14,621 WARNING rpr.export.node [139900847912448]: Ignoring unsupported node <bpy_struct, ShaderNodeLightPath("Light Path") at 0x7f3d90502f88, evaluated> <bpy_struct, Material("FloorHidden") at 0x7f3d904ebc88, evaluated> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Tahoe::Exception' what(): std::exception Aborted (core dumped)

I use cpu as render device, for both cycles and RPR and I know my gpu is not supported

Used default blender scene Full log.txt

CPU= Ryzen 5 1600 GPU= RX 550 RAM=16Gb OS=Linux mint 21.2 Blender version=3.6.7 ADDON version=3.6.9

medoomem commented 6 months ago

use prorender material library

medoomem commented 6 months ago

under prorender plugin download there is the material library, install the wizard (Note: only for fully installed blender, not working for portable extracted versions i think)

G4br13lG0 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the answer, but I don't think the material library is the problem. Screenshot from 2023-12-26 12-04-02