Closed xqch1983 closed 8 years ago
It looks like the build you have does not have OpenCV included. The runvx->CMakeLists.txt tries to find the OpenCV package on your system, and has the following lines:
if (OpenCV_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(runvx PUBLIC USE_OPENCV=1) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(runvx ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES}) else(OpenCV_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(runvx PUBLIC USE_OPENCV=0) endif(OpenCV_FOUND)
The OpenCV package is needed for accessing the camera and display.
when i run runvx.exe in command line, such as : runvx.exe file canny.gdf
results is OK: suing AMD OpenVX 0.9.1 OK enable graph scheduling in separate threads ERROR: This build does't support CAMERA option
can you share where to modify source file or setting to solve this issue?