GPUOpen-Tools / radeon_compute_profiler

The Radeon Compute Profiler (RCP) is a performance analysis tool that gathers data from the API run-time and GPU for OpenCLâ„¢ and ROCm/HSA applications. This information can be used by developers to discover bottlenecks in the application and to find ways to optimize the application's performance.
MIT License
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Kernel execution serialization #11

Open yupinov opened 6 years ago

yupinov commented 6 years ago

Is there an option for making all the kernels execute sequentially (especially when work is launched in multiple queues)? Coming from CUDA and nvprof, I was surprised to not find such a feature for the better kernel performance understanding.

chesik-amd commented 6 years ago

When collecting performance counters, the profiler will introduce serialization to try to ensure that only one kernel is executing at a time. There is no option for this, as it is the default behavior.

pszi1ard commented 5 years ago

What about measuring performance in real-life environment under concurrent execution?

Additionally this seems to imply that traces in CodeXL can't be used to analyze kernel overlap?

chesik-amd commented 5 years ago

Serialization is only done when collecting performance counters (which is the mode you would use to analyze performance of individual kernels). No additional serialization is introduced when collecting a trace (which is the mode you would use to analyze an entire application (including kernel overlap)).

pszi1ard commented 5 years ago

I see. I'd suggest allowing serialization to be turned on/off.

Is there a way to measure wall-time only without serialization?