GPUOpen-Tools / radeon_compute_profiler

The Radeon Compute Profiler (RCP) is a performance analysis tool that gathers data from the API run-time and GPU for OpenCLâ„¢ and ROCm/HSA applications. This information can be used by developers to discover bottlenecks in the application and to find ways to optimize the application's performance.
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Out of resources when collecting performance counters #12

Open JGO95 opened 6 years ago

JGO95 commented 6 years ago

So I'm trying to collect performance counters on some hip kernels that are called by a python script. The GPU is an R9 Fury Nano. I've been using the terminal command rocm-profiler -o "counters.csv" --counterfile counters.txt -C -w . /usr/bin/python3 <python_app>

The file counters.txt only has a single counter name in the first line, SALUBusy.

However, when I try to run it, I always get the error ### HCC STATUS_CHECK Error: HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (0x1008) at file:mcwamp_hsa.cpp line:1185

I tried with other programs and it seems to be consistent. I assume that means the GPU doesn't have enough storage to store all the counter data? Or is it something else?

Does this mean I can't do it this way or is there a better way to go about collecting counter values in this case? I would appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

chesik-amd commented 6 years ago

Can you see if you are able to profile the vector_copy sample application (found in /opt/rocm/hsa/sample)? (just want to rule out a generic issue preventing profiling on your system)

If so, can you also try running your program without the profiler but with the following two environment variables set: HSA_EMULATE_AQL=1

Those two environment variables will put the HSA runtime in a similar state as is used when profiling. On some occasions we have had isues running applications in this runtime environment.

Thanks, Chris

JGO95 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the help.

To answer your questions, I have confirmed that the profiler works with the vector-copy sample and some other applications.

I also ran the program after setting those environment variables, and it ran without problems. So the problem isn't related to those.

EDIT: Is there anything else I can provide that would help you figure out why this happened? Or any other variables I should try to debug? This was worked once before (only once though), but I don't why it did on that particular day and now I'm at a loss.

chesik-amd commented 5 years ago

If you get a chance, can you please try this with RCP v5.6 which was released last week, and let me know if this issues still reproduces.
