GPUOpen-Tools / radeon_gpu_analyzer

The Radeon GPU Analyzer (RGA) is an offline compiler and code analysis tool for Vulkan, DirectX, OpenGL, and OpenCL.
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Strange ISA dump results in offline dx11 mode #102

Open aras-p opened 1 year ago

aras-p commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to optimize some DX11 shader bits on a machine that does not have AMD GPU nor a driver installed. Getting really strange results, as if a bunch of shader code is not really used at all. I can reproduce that even with tiny shaders, using currently latest (2.7) RGA:

// test.hlsl
float4 vs(float4 pos : POSITION) : SV_POSITION
    return sqrt(pos);

and a command line like: rga-windows-x64-2.7\rga.exe -s dx11 -p vs_5_0 -f vs -c gfx900 --isa out.txt test.hlsl produces these relevant bits in the output:

  v_mov_b32     v0, 0
  v_mov_b32     v1, 1.0
  exp           pos0, v0, v0, v0, v1 done

It's as if a shader is actually outputting (0,0,0,1). The same happens with other -c arguments, e.g. gfx1100 or gfx1030.

AmitBM commented 1 year ago

Hi @aras-p,

Thanks for reporting this issue - we will look into this.

AmitBM commented 1 year ago

Hi @aras-p,

We updated the RGA 2.7 Windows release archive with a fix and updated the release notes accordingly. Please note that gfx1100 is not yet supported as a target in DX11 mode - this will be addressed in a future release.