GPUOpen-Tools / radeon_gpu_analyzer

The Radeon GPU Analyzer (RGA) is an offline compiler and code analysis tool for Vulkan, DirectX, OpenGL, and OpenCL.
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failed to convert Vulkan driver statistics to RGA format on Linux #71

Open farnoy opened 3 years ago

farnoy commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to get a very simple pipeline analyzed, but I can't get RGA to work in online mode. The output just says Error: failed to convert Vulkan driver statistics to RGA format.

I believe it's failing right here

I'm on Linux x64 5.8.7, AMDVLK 2020.Q3.4 and:

$ vulkaninfo | rg PhysicalDeviceProp -A10
    apiVersion     = 4202646 (1.2.150)
    driverVersion  = 8388763 (0x80009b)
    vendorID       = 0x1002
    deviceID       = 0x66af
    deviceName     = AMD Radeon VII

Is this an incompatibility with the latest AMDVLK release?

Also a few minor questions if I may:

AmitBM commented 3 years ago

Hi farnoy,

  1. What Linux variant are you using? Note that RGA officially only support Ubuntu.
  2. Is there a Vulkan ICD manifest file present under /opt/amdgpu-pro/etc/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json on your system? If you set the VK_ICD_FILENAMES environment variable to /opt/amdgpu-pro/etc/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json - are you still seeing the same error? This should force the amdgpu-pro driver to be used (which is the driver RGA relies on).


To your questions:

farnoy commented 3 years ago

I'm on Archlinux and my AMDVLK installation is being built from source with this script

I used VK_ICD_FILENAMES in the original report, I have a separate Mesa radv stack that I didn't want RGA to use.

Thanks for taking my questions, I was indeed referring referring to the OpLine instructions that both glslang and dxc can output. It should be a useful feature for livereg and/or assembly when it's ready.

I did a bit more digging and found something interesting. I've modified the rga bash script wrapper to execute rga-bin --verbose "$@". This showed me intermediate commands in the GUI window. The full output was:

Building Vulkan project "asd" for gfx906

./rga -s vulkan --isa "/home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/disassem.txt" --parse-isa --line-numbers --analysis "/home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/resourceUsage.csv" -b "/home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/codeobj.bin" --log "/home/kuba/.local/share/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/rga-cli-20200909-214907.log" --icd "/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json" --glslang-opt "@--target-env vulkan1.1@" --compiler-bin "/home/kuba/" --session-metadata "/home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_cliInvocation.xml" --asic gfx906 --pso "/home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Clone0/Pipeline0.gpso" --vert "/data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.vert" --frag "/data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.frag"

Info: forcing the Vulkan runtime to load a custom ICD: /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json

Launching external process: /home/kuba/rga/Vulkan//VulkanBackend --list-targets --icd /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json Target GPU detected:

gfx906 (Vega) AMD Radeon VII

Pre-compiling vertex shader file (/data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.vert) to SPIR-V binary (/home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_vert.spv)... Launching external process: /home/kuba/ --target-env vulkan1.1 -V -o /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_vert.spv /data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.vert succeeded. Pre-compiling fragment shader file (/data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.frag) to SPIR-V binary (/home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_frag.spv)... Launching external process: /home/kuba/ --target-env vulkan1.1 -V -o /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_frag.spv /data/renderer/src/shaders/gui.frag succeeded. Building for gfx906... Launching external process: /home/kuba/rga/Vulkan//VulkanBackend --target gfx906 --vert /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_vert.spv --vert-isa /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_disassem_vert.txt --vert-stats /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_resourceUsage_vert.csv --frag /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_frag.spv --frag-isa /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_disassem_frag.txt --frag-stats /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_resourceUsage_frag.csv --bin /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Output/Clone0/gfx906_codeobj.bin --pso /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Clone0/Pipeline0.gpso --icd /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json

Using Vulkan ICD from custom location: /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json

failed. Error: failed to convert Vulkan driver statistics to RGA format.

However, when I ran the 3 leaf commands manually in a shell (two glslang's and VulkanBackend), it all works fine and to show this:

$ /home/kuba/rga/Vulkan//VulkanBackend --target gfx906 \
  --vert /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_vert.spv \
  --frag /home/kuba/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/all-devices_rga-temp-out2393283_frag.spv \
  --frag-stats /dev/stdout \
  --pso /home/kuba/RadeonGPUAnalyzer/projects/asd/Clone0/Pipeline0.gpso \
  --icd /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json

Using Vulkan ICD from custom location: /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json
    - shaderStageMask                           = 16
    - resourceUsage.numUsedVgprs                = 24
    - resourceUsage.numUsedSgprs                = 14
    - resourceUsage.ldsSizePerLocalWorkGroup    = 65536
    - resourceUsage.ldsUsageSizeInBytes         = 0
    - resourceUsage.scratchMemUsageInBytes      = 0
    - numPhysicalVgprs                          = 256
    - numPhysicalSgprs                          = 800
    - numAvailableVgprs                         = 256
    - numAvailableSgprs                         = 104

~So when the GUI invokes it, it fails, but when I do the same thing from from the shell it works.~ EDIT: nevermind, it's the GUI that throws an error

I tried redirecting the VulkanBackend binary with a script like this to enable api_dump:


ls ~/.rga/GPUOpen/rga/*.spv

set -x VK_APIDUMP_LOG_FILENAME /tmp/vulkanbackend-api-dump

eval (dirname (status -f))/VulkanBackend-bin $argv

I also verified that the .spv files exist (they do) and set up API dump. But everything exits cleanly with the last API calls being:

Thread 0, Frame 0:
vkGetShaderInfoAMD(device, pipeline, shaderStage, infoType, pInfoSize, pInfo) returns VkResult VK_SUCCESS (0):
    device:                         VkDevice = 0x37aa990
    pipeline:                       VkPipeline = 0x326f760
    shaderStage:                    VkShaderStageFlagBits = 16 (VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
    infoType:                       VkShaderInfoTypeAMD = VK_SHADER_INFO_TYPE_DISASSEMBLY_AMD (2)
    pInfoSize:                      size_t* = 2156
    pInfo:                          void* = 0x345c860

Thread 0, Frame 0:
vkGetShaderInfoAMD(device, pipeline, shaderStage, infoType, pInfoSize, pInfo) returns VkResult VK_SUCCESS (0):
    device:                         VkDevice = 0x37aa990
    pipeline:                       VkPipeline = 0x326f760
    shaderStage:                    VkShaderStageFlagBits = 16 (VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
    infoType:                       VkShaderInfoTypeAMD = VK_SHADER_INFO_TYPE_STATISTICS_AMD (0)
    pInfoSize:                      size_t* = 72
    pInfo:                          void* = 0x7ffcf9966140

Thread 0, Frame 0:
vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipeline, pAllocator) returns void:
    device:                         VkDevice = 0x37aa990
    pipeline:                       VkPipeline = 0x326f760
    pAllocator:                     const VkAllocationCallbacks* = NULL

So for each stage, it's collecting the binary, disassembly and statistics, all as expected. The only weird thing is that it returns fictional devices. I guess that's configured out of band because I only see the effects:

4808   │ Thread 0, Frame 0:
4809   │ vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(physicalDevice, pProperties) returns void:
4810   │     physicalDevice:                 VkPhysicalDevice = 0x384ab10
4811   │     pProperties:                    VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* = 0x7ffcf86bb060:
4812   │         apiVersion:                     uint32_t = 0
4813   │         driverVersion:                  uint32_t = 0
4814   │         vendorID:                       uint32_t = 0
4815   │         deviceID:                       uint32_t = 31
4816   │         deviceType:                     VkPhysicalDeviceType = VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_OTHER (0)
4817   │         deviceName:                     char[VK_MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE] = "NAVI14:gfx1012"

On the other hand, the GUI only has a problem with my vertex shader, if I remove it from the pipeline, offline mode is used but I don't see the error about driver statistics. If I remove the fragment shader and leave only the vertex, it fails again. Not sure what makes it so special, it's a very simple shader:

#version 450

#extension GL_EXT_scalar_block_layout: require

layout(push_constant, scalar) uniform PushConstants {
    vec2 scale;
    vec2 translate;
} pushConstants;

layout (location = 0) in vec2 pos;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 uv;
layout (location = 2) in vec4 col;

layout (location = 0) out vec4 out_color;
layout (location = 1) out vec2 out_uv;

void main() {
  out_color = col;
  out_uv = uv;
  gl_Position = vec4(pos * pushConstants.scale + pushConstants.translate, 0, 1);
  gl_Position.y *= -1.0;

I hope this helps. I understand that only Ubuntu is officially supported, but seeing as multiple other components are working fine, this seems to be a legitimate issue.