GPUSPH / gpusph

The world's first CUDA implementation of Weakly-Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
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Can GPUSPH be used for the failure process of Soil? #34

Open xuhenry opened 5 years ago

xuhenry commented 5 years ago

Hello, Can GPUSPH be used for the simulation of the failure process of soil under the scour of water ? Thanks a lot! Best regards, Henry

alexghaitanellis commented 5 years ago

Hello Henry, Yes, in a near future. We are currently developing a sediment model based on a viscoplastic rheological model. In this model, the soil is treated as a non-Newtonian (viscoplastic) material whose viscosity depends on the strain rate magnitude, and on Drucker-Prager yield criterion. This kind of model has been successfully applied to scouring problems in the literature.


xuhenry commented 5 years ago

Hell Alex., Many thanks for your reply. It will be very useful for the coupling between soil and fluid. Furthermore, will you like tell me about when will it be released? Thanks a lot! Henry.