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Geoserver 502 errors #179

Open matthew-merkas opened 1 year ago

matthew-merkas commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what causes this, but I have noticed the geoserver times out with a 502 proxy error sometimes when I'm changing rasters or playing the animations. It occurs more often when I make quick changes/multiple requests. I imagine with more users this might become a bigger issue. This has been happening for a while on the old geoserver as well. Is this some form of rate limiting maybe? If so, I think we need to increase the limit

Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 00 32 15 Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 00 32 18

matthew-merkas commented 1 year ago

This happened again just now (the issue is still outstanding)

michaelchin commented 1 year ago

The server was overwhelmed. This issue is complicated. We can pay more for better server hardware, use local client cache, throttle http requests, use smart load balance strategy. Anyway, this cannot be fixed in short time. We can only improve the situation gradually.