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remove the imagery selection button at top right corner #6

Closed michaelchin closed 2 years ago

michaelchin commented 2 years ago

See the screenshot below. We need to remove this imagery selection button. We are going to use our own imagery selection button down the road.

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michaelchin commented 2 years ago

@matthewmerkas Could you please look into this? Thanks.

michaelchin commented 2 years ago

@matthewmerkas The five icons at the top right corner come with Cesium. I am sure we don't need the imagery selection button. But I am unsure about the other four. It seems the "home", "projection" and "how to use" buttons might be useful. The "search" button seems not very useful as well. Could you please initiate a discuss within the team to decide which buttons should stay? Thanks. @mariaseton @nickywright and @jcannon-gplates should be involved in this discussion.

matthew-merkas commented 2 years ago

@michaelchin I've replaced most of the Cesium buttons with Ionic components and I plan to hide the Cesium toolbar completely. Do you think it's worth recreating the search button/bar too? You did say it wasn't very useful, so I'm guessing probably not?

matthew-merkas commented 2 years ago

Also @michaelchin @yiyanw, I've installed ESLint and a package called PrettierJS so we can have a prettier, more consistent code style. I've setup my IDE (JetBrains WebStorm) to automatically run it on save but you can also run it manually with prettier --write . Feel free to make + commit changes to the config under the "prettier" tag in package.json

matthew-merkas commented 2 years ago

Also, if you need to hide any Cesium widgets (like the time slider), see the Viewer Constructor options. You can set flags to disable creation of most/all of widgets (better than just hiding them in CSS) @yiyanw

michaelchin commented 2 years ago

@michaelchin I've replaced most of the Cesium buttons with Ionic components and I plan to hide the Cesium toolbar completely. Do you think it's worth recreating the search button/bar too? You did say it wasn't very useful, so I'm guessing probably not?

Great! Thanks. Down the road, we need to show them to Nicky and Maria and make sure they like the new buttons.

michaelchin commented 2 years ago

Is this change in commit d9369f46541b049a8ecbf1659c9ccf7fe8c91709? I have tried the latest code, but the Cesium buttons are still there and I did not see the Ionic new buttons.

matthew-merkas commented 2 years ago

@michaelchin Not yet. I haven't quite finished my buttons, and disabling Cesium buttton is fairly simple with Viewer constructor options, so I was going to disable them a little later. I will close the issue once I have committed the change

nickywright commented 2 years ago

Would it make sense to move these buttons to the bottom left, either as part of the menu or as a button next to the menu? Not sure how others feel about that though.

How is the default behaviour of Home decided? For me it goes to North America, which is fine but almost thought it would centre on where I currently am (not sure how it would know though!).

I agree that Home, projection, and the how-to are useful.

For the search: I think it depends on how the 'select points' (slide 11 of the powerpoint) gets implemented. The search currently works - it zooms me into Sydney when I search (but also has two 'Sydney (C)' in the dropdown menu... not sure what this means or where it gets its data from). It doesn't add a point or pin on the map though, which I guess we would want for the select point option?

Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 3 34 11 pm
michaelchin commented 2 years ago

Would it make sense to move these buttons to the bottom left, either as part of the menu or as a button next to the menu? Not sure how others feel about that though.

How about a menu at right top corner and a toolbox at left bottom corner? We really should call that thing at the left bottom corner "toolbox".

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michaelchin commented 2 years ago

How is the default behaviour of Home decided? For me it goes to North America, which is fine but almost thought it would centre on where I currently am (not sure how it would know though!).

Maybe we should allow users to set their home address in "settings" window?

michaelchin commented 2 years ago

For the search: I think it depends on how the 'select points' (slide 11 of the powerpoint) gets implemented. The search currently works - it zooms me into Sydney when I search (but also has two 'Sydney (C)' in the dropdown menu... not sure what this means or where it gets its data from). It doesn't add a point or pin on the map though, which I guess we would want for the select point option?

The "search" is more like "fly-to" to me. Our rasters don't have that much details. Even if you fly to Sydney, there is no much to see in our rasters.?

jcannon-gplates commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of separating the view-related items (eg, at top-right) and toolbox items (eg, at bottom).

And regarding the navigation help button, maybe can change 'rotate' to 'rotate/tilt' since dragging vertically tilts and dragging horizontally rotates (although not sure if there's a separate tilt gesture on touch screens, separate from rotate gesture that is) ? Also there's the SHIFT drag mode for mouse, but maybe mentioning that in help is to complex (also not sure what the equivalent is for touch screens). One more thing, not all these modes apply to the 2D view (only 3D and Columbus), but again, probably too complex to be worth mentioning - don't want an overly complex help menu.

mariaseton commented 2 years ago

Looking good. I'm probably a bit late to the discussion. As this is targeted for educators/students, it is probably better to have most things in the one place in the bottom left menu (as suggested by Nicky). It would make instructions easier. But I do like the search in the top right. Regarding projections - the fact that we can switch from 2D to 3D is enough. No need to provide more projections than that, as I had originally suggested.

matthew-merkas commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone. Sorry, I've been off sick for the past few days but I've finished the buttons with commit a56f686 Screen Shot 2022-05-15 at 18 14 40

Right now the buttons are in the top right but moving them to the main menu should be simple enough. We might need to figure out how to handle overflow depending on how many buttons we end up having. We could:

  1. wrap overflowing buttons onto the next line
  2. add horizontal scrolling (but fix the position of the main menu button so that it can always be closed)
  3. add an overflow (e.g., three dots) button Personally, I like option 2 the most

Also the home button centers on Australia now