GREsau / okapi

OpenAPI (AKA Swagger) document generation for Rust projects
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Derive OpenApiResponderInner for #[derive(Responder)] enums #146

Open Keshi opened 4 months ago

Keshi commented 4 months ago

Using this feature results in the trait bound '[...] rocket_okapi::response::OpenApiResponderInner' is not satisfied when the enum type is as a result type in a #[openapi] endpoint function.

It would be great if #[openapi] or similar could be used on an enum deriving Responder to also derive the appropriate forwarding OpenApiResponderInner implementation for the enum.


#[openapi] // inserting okapi openapi or derive macro here?
enum MyResponse {
    Person(Json<Person>), // 200, json object
    Nothing(NoContent), // 204, no content

Should generate:

impl rocket_okapi::response::OpenApiResponderInner for MyResponse {
    fn responses(
        gen: &mut rocket_okapi::gen::OpenApiGenerator,
    ) -> rocket_okapi::Result<okapi::openapi3::Responses> {
        let mut responses = okapi::openapi3::Responses::default();
ralpha commented 3 months ago

I would not use the #[openapi] syntax but instead use the #[derive(OpenApiResponderInner)].

This could then be done similar to

Some of the code could even be reused.

Feel free to create a MR to help with adding this.