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Non-PNV measurements that exist in CIM Dictionary do not show up in simulation output #1532

Open casey-pnnl opened 3 years ago

casey-pnnl commented 3 years ago

Summary: Non-PNV measurements that exist in CIM Dictionary do not show up in simulation output.

Possibly Related: The following text shows up every 3 seconds in the GridAPPSD Terminal window: "All measurements for object null are missing from the simulator output."

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Request the CIM Dictionary for model ID "_5B816B93-7A5F-B64C-8460-47C17D6E4B0F"

  2. Create the simulation using Simulation Request (see below) and retrieve simulation_id

  3. Subscribe to the simulation_id

  4. Compare CIM Dictionary measurements to simulation output measurements: The non-PNV measurements are missing from the simulation output.

Simulation Request: {"power_system_config": {"GeographicalRegion_name": "_73C512BD-7249-4F50-50DA-D93849B89C43", "SubGeographicalRegion_name": "_ABEB635F-729D-24BF-B8A4-E2EF268D8B9E", "Line_name": "_5B816B93-7A5F-B64C-8460-47C17D6E4B0F"}, "application_config": {"applications": []}, "simulation_config": {"start_time": "1583961199", "duration": "60", "simulator": "GridLAB-D", "timestep_frequency": "1000", "timestep_increment": "1000", "run_realtime": true, "simulation_name": "ieee13nodecktassets", "power_flow_solver_method": "NR", "model_creation_config": {"load_scaling_factor": "1", "schedule_name": "ieeezipload", "z_fraction": "0", "i_fraction": "1", "p_fraction": "0", "randomize_zipload_fractions": false, "use_houses": false, "model_state": {}}}, "test_config": {"events": [], "appId": "", "service_configs": []}}

areiman commented 3 years ago

This blocks testing of the Model Discovery App

poorva1209 commented 1 year ago

@shpoudel CAn this be closed?