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Gamma-Gamma Coincidence #1233

Closed nastaran-s closed 2 years ago

nastaran-s commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am working on my gamma-gamma coincidence analysis and I have some issues. In fact, I see some peak broadenings and for each gamma, at least two of the coincident peaks are broadened. Here, I attached a graph to clarify. This is a y-projection of my 2D gamma-gamma plot. I chose the energy range of 992 to 1009 to include the gamma ray at 1003 keV. The peaks which are marked with red asterisk are broadened. Sometimes these broadened peaks are actual gammas, but sometimes they are not listed among the known gammas of my source. Can you please comment on this issue? Does it mean if there is a problem in the code that causes these broadenings?

Thanks, Nastaran


mrocchini commented 2 years ago

Hi Nastaran! I'm wondering if what you see is the result of the Compton diagonals. A few questions:

nastaran-s commented 2 years ago

Hi @mrocchini,

mrocchini commented 2 years ago

Hi! From what you say I'm pretty sure these are Compton diagonals and not real peaks. However, just to be 100% sure, and also to better explain this to you, could you post the matrix you just showed with the "colz" option? Just do Draw("colz") instead of Draw(). Also, it would be very useful if you plot in logarithmic scale on the z axis and, please, zoom on both axes from 0 keV to 2000 keV. Another thing. We have a tool to do gamma-gamma projections within grsisort that is actually working very well. You just need to open the file where you have your matrix with grsisort and type new TBGSubtraction(ggE), where ggE is the name of your gamma-gamma matrix. This tool will allows you to easily change both the gate and the background so that it is easy to check these things for you.

AdamGarnsworthy commented 2 years ago

Marco is correct that these are Compton components. In the raseare spectrum they have the characteristic wings to them.

AdamGarnsworthy commented 2 years ago

They will also take the width of the gate you make. Make a wider gate and these features will get wider by the corresponding amount whereas real peaks will stay the width of the detector resolution.

nastaran-s commented 2 years ago

Thank you Marco. Perfect, I will use the grsisort new TBGSubtraction. I attached the new matrix.


nastaran-s commented 2 years ago

Thank you Adam for your explanation. Yes, I will make the gates wider to check those peaks behaviour.

mrocchini commented 2 years ago

Hi Nastaran!

Here is the matrix you plotted where I outlined the gate you set. You can see that at the energies you showed in your first spectrum you have a crossing of some intense Compton diagonals. These originate when a gamma-ray is going through Compton scattering in a detector and then you have the full absorption in another one. The diagonals point out the energy of the gamma-ray originating the effect (for instance, the stronger diagonal you have starts/ends at 1800 keV) and the sum of the energies in the two axes at each point of the diagonal will give you, by definition, the full energy.

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 2 42 21 PM

A way of reducing these diagonals (a lot) is to use add back. Add back will reconstruct Compton events, as those originating the diagonal, in the full energy peak. Of course, add back then has other issues (worse energy resolution, need to implement the cross-talk correction, etc...), so you should decide what is best for your specific analysis.

You should do this check also on the other gates you set but 99.9% when you see very broad peaks those result from this effect.


nastaran-s commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much Marco for your complete explanation. I really appreciate it. so, I will deeply look into the diagonals for all the gates. 

Cheers, Nastaran