Closed cbray0 closed 6 years ago
I ran the geant4.10.04 branch with a modified 60Co.mac script without problems. Differences were that in my script the following lines were commented out:
#/grdm/setRadioactiveDecayFile 27 60 UserData/UserRadData_z27.a60
#/grdm/setPhotoEvaporationFile 28 60 UserData/UserEvapData_z28.a60
#/grdm/nucleusLimits 60 60 27 27
and the lines adding SCEPTAR, the vacuum chamber, and the delrin sphere were put back in. I also added the line
/process/deex/correlatedGamma true
to see if the angular correlations were working, but the simulation also ran w/o that line.
It is not surprising btw that the old user data files do not work anymore as the format has been changed. I don't want to change the example script yet, as this branch hasn't been fully tested yet.
I just re-ran the macro with the newest version of the code, and it worked fine. I used both my modified 60Co.mac, as well as the example one with only the two user data lines commented out:
#/grdm/setRadioactiveDecayFile 27 60 UserData/UserRadData_z27.a60
#/grdm/setPhotoEvaporationFile 28 60 UserData/UserEvapData_z28.a60
It appears that, with those lines removed, the simulation runs correctly. Thanks!
The 60Co example simulation is broken in the Geant4.10.04 branch. Using the example macro, the simulation aborts after throwing this exception: (I have checked that the PhotonEvaporation dataset was installed correctly with Geant4 and that the environment variable was properly set. )
When I replace the UserEvapData file with the version located in
, the simulation runs without throwing the exception. However, the resultingg4out.root
(any anyg4out_t[0-9]*.root
) files contain no data. Thentuple;1
folder and the usual ntuple objects are all present, but they contain no data.