DetectionSystemDescant: moved rotation matrix from heap to stack, and added proper settings and rotation
DetectionSystemGriffin: added comments
DetectionSystemTestcan: changed material from "Deuterated_Scintillator" to "BC537"
DetectorConstruction: added proper mapping of DESCANT detectors
PhysicsList: added FTFP_BERT amd FTFP_BERT_HP physics list and 1 um cut values for protons, deuterons, C12, C13, Be9, and B10
Added Kentucky experimental setup (quasi mono-energetic neutrons from transfer/charge-exchange reactions):
Added functions to control kentucky experiment gun to PrimaryGeneratorAction and PrimaryGeneratorMessenger (in /DetSys/gun: KentuckyEnergy, KentuckyReaction, <Minimum/Maximum><Theta/Phi>, and verbose).
Various other changes:
Moved record gun flag from DetectorConstruction to HistoManager and corresponding command from DetectorMessenger to new HistoMessenger.
Changed histograms from obsolete G4AnaH1/2 to G4H1/2.
Removed factor 1000 multiplication in setter function HistoManager::BeamEnergy, this should be handled by using the correct units on input!
Added functions to fill NTuple with just event number to record "empty" events when record all flag has been set.
Added function to set file name.
Added HistoManager::fFirstRecordingId integer to identify first columnd ID to be used for recording gun settings.
Changed all std::cout and std::endl to G4cout and G4endl.
HistoManager: removed "second" filename, added three more columns for deposited energy, kinetic energy, and particle type vectors
Cleaned up PhysicsListMessenger.
Spice: changed commands from Detsys to the proper DetSys where all other related commands are.
DetectionSystemTrific: removed "using namespace CLHEP" line and unnecessary this->, fixed indentation, and cleaned up code.
Fixed seeding issue by using product of time, PID, and hostname hash instead of just the time (which creates issues if simulations are started via a script in the same second).
Merged changes from Joey Turko for DESCANT:
Added Kentucky experimental setup (quasi mono-energetic neutrons from transfer/charge-exchange reactions):
Various other changes:
Fixed seeding issue by using product of time, PID, and hostname hash instead of just the time (which creates issues if simulations are started via a script in the same second).