GRTLCollaboration / GRTeclyn

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Add CI to run tests on GPUs #44

Closed mirenradia closed 4 months ago

mirenradia commented 5 months ago

Since the GitHub-hosted action runners don't have GPUs, this will have to be on self-hosted runners.

The current plan is to set up a runner in a VM on our (Research Computing Services) OpenStack based cloud platform (Arcus) that SSHs to CSD3 and submits test jobs on the A100s.

Unfortunately, there are many security considerations to take into account. GitHub advises against using self-hosted runners for public repositories. However, it is possible to retain security whilst doing so (see this discussion). We will need to limit the permissions of users accessing this repository (only a few select users will be able to push to any branch in this repository) as well as re-organise the permissions for this whole organisation so that only a limited number of users can manage them.

@draenog can advise on the security aspects.