GSA-TTS / 10x-projects

10x Projects
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Open Science Field Guide #50

Open Wanrashid1 opened 2 weeks ago

Wanrashid1 commented 2 weeks ago

Federal science communities are required to open their data (Evidence Act 2018) which increases accountability and trust for publicly-funded research. But opening data is complex and resource-intensive to operationalize. There are serious risks including privacy, national security, and misuse/misinterpretation. Agency expertise is inconsistent on this topic, and existing resources don’t support those getting started. Uncertainty has reduced agency open data compliance, increased the risk of redundant funding, and ultimately, risked public credibility.

10x validated these needs and prototyped and documented a solution: a facilitated workshop process in which agencies create a risk/benefit assessment framework tailored to their needs. 10x will investigate expanding on this prototype in collaboration with scientific data stewards and developing an open-source field guide for agencies to help ease the path towards open, publicly-funded science.

An idea submitted by civil servants at: The General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service