GSA-TTS / 10x-projects

10x Projects
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Standardized Descriptive Labeling for Advanced Algorithms #61

Open Wanrashid1 opened 2 weeks ago

Wanrashid1 commented 2 weeks ago

Algorithms are increasingly affecting many parts of public and private life, and yet a standardized means by which to identify an algorithm's component parts does not exist.

Following the model of how the USDA established standardized nutrition and ingredients labels for food, 10x will investigate similar standardized labels for algorithms. This would benefit civil servants who evaluate the “nutrition” of algorithms to ensure they could be used transparently and equitably and benefit the American public. These labels could be scaled across the public and private sectors and offer transparency into how algorithms that affect their lives are designed and used.

An idea submitted by civil servants at: General Services Administration ~ Staff Servicing Offices