GSA-TTS / 10x-projects

10x Projects
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Shareable, Scalable Public Feedback Tools #7

Open jonadecker opened 6 months ago

jonadecker commented 6 months ago

Project description

It has been observed that the public wants to report complaints, comments, and tips to government agencies, but intake methods are inaccessible or burdensome for the public use. Agencies also struggle to organize and respond quickly to submissions because several use a bespoke intake process, resulting in an inconsistent experience for the public.

10x will explore creating a shared “report portal as a service” that would allow agencies to serve the public more consistently. Possible solutions could include: 1) a configurable public-facing web form where the public can submit reports and check back on the status of their submission, and 2) tools for agency staff to organize and search submissions, route them within the agency, and respond to the submitter. This will result in a more empowered public who can trust that their feedback has been heard and can see the results.

An idea submitted by civil servants at: The General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service

ryanwoldatwork commented 2 days ago

Also research