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Plain Language for Data Tables #95

Open Wanrashid1 opened 5 days ago

Wanrashid1 commented 5 days ago

Through user testing, we have observed that people often struggle to read and interpret data tables provided by statistical agencies. For example, the frequently-used term, ""tenure,"" found in Census tables, has a different internal meaning than its popular use. Additionally, someone looking for poverty information may not understand certain statistical terms such as, “below 50%, below 100%, below 150%, and below 200% of the poverty level"" or ""margin of error"". There are also problems with the user interface of tables. With so many rows and columns, labels cut off or hidden, users struggle with understanding the content due to overly complicated table designs. 10x will explore how to make data tables on government websites more user-friendly and comprehendible for the public and other groups leveraging this available data, such as journalists and academia.

An idea submitted by a civil servant at: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census