GSA-TTS / 10x-projects

10x Projects
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Risk Management Framework Agile Methods #96

Open Wanrashid1 opened 5 days ago

Wanrashid1 commented 5 days ago

Federal organizations are burdened by reinventing the wheel every time they conduct an authorization. There are common themes and pain points (e.g. system categorization, creating an SSP, continuous monitoring, etc.) that can be done for every Authority To Operate (ATO) across the federal government; however, there are not many resources or an agile way on how to go about doing those things. 10x will investigate a way to estimate the resources (time, money, people) it takes to get a system authorized and reduce the burden of time it takes for agencies to figure this process out on their own.

An idea submitted by a civil servant at: General Services Administration ~ Federal Acquisition Service