GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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Migrating CX survey from Touchpoints to Qualtrics #3841

Open Leighdiddy opened 3 months ago

Leighdiddy commented 3 months ago

The fac website wants to move our site CX survey from touchpoints to qualtrix, so that we have accurate, trackable user feedback through fed approved software that we can use to inform decisions about our site and product.

We currently have our CX survey hosted through touchpoints. We need to move to Qualtrix for compliance and continuity with other offices reporting metrics across OROS.


- [x] @Leighdiddy shares [existing materials]( with @James-Paul-Mason
- [x] Contact GSA quatrix POC (Liz Dodd) to begin process
- [x] Draft new survey
- [x] Collaborate with Qualtrix POC to revise
- [x] Route survey through Office of Customer Experience (OCE) for approval
- [x] Once approved by OCE,  fill out the FAST Track Request Template and send to
- [x] Proceed with PRA process
- [x] Get approval from GSA Legal
- [x] Email Ian and find out what pages eRegs uses for survey. Also ask if they embedded the survey following these instructions: AND <iframe width='100%' height='500px' src='' style='border:0'></iframe>
- [x] Identify what screens we want to use survey for at should it be on the app itself?
- [x] Hand off survey for integration by engineer. Create GH ticket for the work.
- [ ] Confirm that survey is live on static site #4129
- [ ] Determine/document a schedule for who's checking data, how often, and how to check it. (create an SOP of sorts perhaps, that would live on G Drive?
### Tasks
James-Paul-Mason commented 3 months ago

Here is my revised survey draft in Qualitrics based in large part on of Liz's feedback on the original draft

James-Paul-Mason commented 3 months ago

Received confirmation from Liz Brodd at OCE that I'll have the first review in hand by the end of the week

James-Paul-Mason commented 3 months ago

Updated task list as per OCE guidance.

James-Paul-Mason commented 3 months ago

Making edits to the survey as per OCE feedback.

James-Paul-Mason commented 1 month ago

Moving to blocked until the dev work is complete (launching survey on static site and app).