GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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Add cross-validation for `total_amount_expended` < limit #3869

Open tadhg-ohiggins opened 1 month ago

tadhg-ohiggins commented 1 month ago

Following from #3769, we may also need to catch the case where total_award_expended is some invalid amount.

We've primarily seen this in cases where there were no federal awards and total_award_expended is zero, but should we just reject if the total is below some limit, and should that limit be the same as the limit we ask submitters about in the initial steps? (Currently this is $750,000.)

jadudm commented 1 month ago

I believe this is safe.

There is ambiguous policy floating around the world that suggests that, for some entities, they can/must submit at a lower threshold. This has never been resolved. Therefore, we will disregard it as an "unknown/unknown."

I think it is safe to set this to the threshold. If someone thinks they should be able to submit with a spend below the SA threshold, and we prevent them... they will reach out to us.