GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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Fix SF-SAC generation for newly submitted audits #3890

Closed jadudm closed 1 month ago

jadudm commented 4 months ago

As a certifying official on a SAR (single audit report), I want to be able to search for my SAR immediately after I've submitted the report, so that I can confirm that it has uploaded and is displaying correctly in the system.

Currently: When a certifying official submits a SAR, they receive an on-screen confirmation message that the report has been submitted. If they look up the SAR they just submitted within the same business day (a normal user behavior to confirm that their submission uploaded correctly), it appears in results but the SF-SAC download results in a spreadsheet with headers but no data. This is because we generate the SF-SAC from the MATERIALIZED VIEW, which is updated nightly (instead of in real time) for performance reasons.

We need to make the SF-SAC available to view and download immediately after submission. In the meantime, we want to add copy to the site where relevant explaining that the SF-SAC will not be available to view/confirm for one business day after submission.

Possible concrete steps (from @jadudm):

  1. We could document this behavior in our submission docs, and hope people see it.
  2. We could add a warning to overview pages that are same-day, so people know the SF-SAC will not be available to the next day.
  3. We could, as part of IntakeToDissemination, copy data into the table generated by the MATERIALIZED VIEW. (If it is possible to insert into it.) Although this would be overwritten every night, it would make it available immediately for the SF-SAC generation.


- [x] Content: Document this behavior in the copy of the final step of our [submission guide](
- [x] Content: Draft and post an [FAQ]( article explaining this behavior
- [x] Content: Draft and post a macro response for the helpdesk explaining this behavior
- [x] Dev: Disable the download button while the SF-SAC is unavailable to download
- [x] Dev: Display an ℹ️ icon that explains why it can't be downloaded and links to an external documentation page
- [x] Dev: Display some text that says the download will be available in a day
danswick commented 4 months ago

I vote for options 1 and 2 under "concrete steps." We could gray out the download button and add a toolitp or ℹ️ icon that describes the situation and possibly links to an external documentation page.

jadudm commented 4 months ago

Following on from Dan's comment...

I also like the idea of having the SF-SAC button gray out, and having some text that says "The SF-SAC will be available in n hours."

Keep in mind the issues here:

  1. Our server should be giving us time, on the backend, in UTC.
  2. Google Actions run on their own clock, and should be UTC.
  3. In IntakeToDissemination, we subtract 11h from the submission time in order to generate the fac_accepted_date on the dateline. (Someone should check that claim.) So, the submission time on the real-world clock is 11h in the future from whatever we store.
  4. We need to check whether our submission date is a date or a datetime.

If we store a datetime, the picture looks roughly like:


And, it can seem confusing, because the accepted date can be before the apparent next MV generation time, but in truth, we have to compute one further into the future, because the actual acceptance time is 11h in the future of the accepted date.


We can always calculate the time to the next MV generation. That way, we can tell the user when the document will be available.

phildominguez-gsa commented 2 months ago

So far I have the PR in a decent place, but at the moment the info icon just links to the main FAQ page, as opposed to a specific/helpful article. Would this be something in @lauraherring's wheelhouse?

lauraherring commented 1 month ago

Hey @phildominguez-gsa, yes, this should kick over to content now and either @James-Paul-Mason or I can pick it up.

James-Paul-Mason commented 1 month ago

@phildominguez-gsa The FAQ is live now. Macro is live as well.

James-Paul-Mason commented 1 month ago

@phildominguez-gsa @lauraherring

The following is the completed content request regarding item 1 on the Tasks list: "Document this behavior in the copy of the final step of our submission guide."

The highlighted text below is new and must be added to the existing copy of the submission guide.

Confirming submission

The Auditee Certifying Official must complete this step.

Once you submit your single audit package, you can't make any further changes. What you have submitted is what will be available via the FAC's audit search.

After you submit your report to the FAC, it can take up to 24 hours for the system to process your upload. After this time, you will be able to download your report from the Search area of

The date the Auditee Certifying Official confirms submission is recorded as the FAC acceptance date.

We recommend you save a copy of your audit materials on your local machine. If you need to resubmit, having the originals will make the process much easier.

phildominguez-gsa commented 1 month ago

The disabled download button and clickable info button has been implemented here:

lauraherring commented 1 month ago

I've added this language to the static site and created a PR for it.