GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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Address ACE Reports Migration #3980

Closed sambodeme closed 2 weeks ago

sambodeme commented 3 weeks ago

The FAC app currently lacks the logic to handle ACE audit reports, making it infeasible to migrate historical ACE reports using the same algorithm as for other reports. Consequently, the team has decided to make ACE reports available for download in CSV format. Additionally, users will have the ability to download PDF reports. However, these reports are stored on an S3 bucket and require a temporary token for access, which is currently only obtainable through the FAC app. To address this, users will need to interact with the FAC app to obtain the appropriate links to download the PDF reports. To facilitate access, we will create a generic SAC object for each ACE report with basic information on the report. When users attempt to access ACE reports from the static web and wish to download a PDF, they will be directed to the corresponding disseminated SAC object, which will provide them with the correct download link. This task involves developing an algorithm as part of the data migration code. This algorithm will identify ACE reports and generate the required SAC objects, along with the dissemination processes needed to make these available to the public.