GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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Adjust UEI validation to accommodate waivers #4027

Open jperson1 opened 5 days ago

jperson1 commented 5 days ago

This is a sub-ticket to the larger validation waivers MVP.

Validation waivers get their own table. The UEI waiver stores:

  1. What is being waived?
    • The UEI check, pre report creation.
  2. Who wants it, and who's approving it?
    • Some user, and some admin on our side. It is assumed that the reason is valid.
  3. When does the waiver expire?
    • By default, after one month (subject to change). It should not be eternal, to prevent reports from continuing to be submitted long after the UEI has become invalid.

Here, we want to check the UeiValidationWaiverTable when a UEI check is being made. If a waiver for this UEI exists in this table, and it hasn't expired, we should skip the API call and just accept the UEI.

Edit: We still want the name of the entity and other relevant information. Instead of skipping the API call when there's a waiver, we should instead allow it to be inactive when we parse the API call results.