GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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4023 adjust intaketodissemination logic for validation waivers #4044

Closed sambodeme closed 5 days ago

sambodeme commented 6 days ago


The FAC application is being updated to handle waivers that allow audit reports with exceptional situations, such as the absence of certifying auditors/auditees, to be submitted. This PR adds the necessary logic to enable these audit reports to pass all validations and be properly disseminated, even without a certifying auditor or auditee.

Related ADR.

The code change includes:

How to test

  1. Launch the stack locally and start a new submission until you lock the report as ready for certification (if you want to test the certifying auditor waiver or both. If you only want to test the certifying auditee waiver, then complete the auditor certification process and stop at the auditee certifying step).
  2. Next, go to the Django admin interface and add a new record (see picture below). Make sure to select the correct waiver types from the list.
  3. After adding the waiver record, return to your submission page and refresh. The step should appear complete.


PR checklist: submitters

PR checklist: reviewers

The larger the PR, the stricter we should be about these points.

github-actions[bot] commented 6 days ago

Terraform plan for meta

No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration. ``` No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration. Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed. Warning: Argument is deprecated with module.s3-backups.cloudfoundry_service_instance.bucket, on /tmp/terraform-data-dir/modules/s3-backups/s3/ line 14, in resource "cloudfoundry_service_instance" "bucket": 14: recursive_delete = var.recursive_delete Since CF API v3, recursive delete is always done on the cloudcontroller side. This will be removed in future releases ```

:white_check_mark: Plan applied in Deploy to Development and Management Environment #731

github-actions[bot] commented 6 days ago

Terraform plan for dev

No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration. ``` No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration. Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed. Warning: Argument is deprecated with, on /tmp/terraform-data-dir/modules/dev-backups-bucket/s3/ line 14, in resource "cloudfoundry_service_instance" "bucket": 14: recursive_delete = var.recursive_delete Since CF API v3, recursive delete is always done on the cloudcontroller side. This will be removed in future releases (and 6 more similar warnings elsewhere) ```

:white_check_mark: Plan applied in Deploy to Development and Management Environment #731

github-actions[bot] commented 6 days ago

File Coverage Missing
All files 87% :white_check_mark:
api/ 88% :white_check_mark: 178-179 184 189
api/ 95% :white_check_mark: 103
api/ 88% :white_check_mark: 87 118-119 163 167-168
api/ 98% :white_check_mark: 198-199 337-338
audit/ 88% :white_check_mark: 130-132
audit/ 61% :x: 33-40 111-118
audit/ 88% :white_check_mark: 57-62 264 308-316
audit/ 96% :white_check_mark: 28
audit/ 72% :x: 15-17
audit/ 91% :white_check_mark:
audit/ 88% :white_check_mark: 154-158
audit/ 98% :white_check_mark: 15 19
audit/ 90% :white_check_mark: 159-160 164-166 254-255 259-261
audit/ 96% :white_check_mark: 439 443 611-612 851 858 865 872 1176-1177 1220-1221 1246-1251
audit/ 98% :white_check_mark: 132
audit/ 88% :white_check_mark: 58 87-88 92
audit/ 87% :white_check_mark: 59 74-76
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audit/ 93% :white_check_mark: 138 190 279 419-420 435-436 519-520 622-626 631-635 651-660
audit/cross_validation/ 93% :white_check_mark: 33
audit/cross_validation/ 90% :white_check_mark:
audit/cross_validation/ 93% :white_check_mark:
audit/cross_validation/ 87% :white_check_mark:
audit/cross_validation/ 87% :white_check_mark: 35
audit/cross_validation/ 91% :white_check_mark:
audit/cross_validation/ 91% :white_check_mark:
audit/cross_validation/ 78% :x: 30 77
audit/cross_validation/ 93% :white_check_mark: 229
audit/cross_validation/ 91% :white_check_mark: 83 126 174 182-183
audit/cross_validation/ 81% :x: 33 36 40
audit/cross_validation/ 65% :x: 77 81-84 96 99
audit/fixtures/ 71% :x: 38
audit/fixtures/ 55% :x: 160-197 245-254
audit/intakelib/ 71% :x: 7-9 12
audit/intakelib/ 91% :white_check_mark: 27-28 73 91 129 200-203 212-213 283-284
audit/intakelib/ 97% :white_check_mark: 55
audit/intakelib/ 97% :white_check_mark: 54
audit/intakelib/ 93% :white_check_mark: 92
audit/intakelib/ 79% :x: 21 25 29 63 99 104-105 114-120 130 145 150
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audit/intakelib/checks/ 74% :x: 34 44-45
audit/intakelib/checks/ 89% :white_check_mark: 59
audit/intakelib/checks/ 95% :white_check_mark: 66
audit/intakelib/checks/ 69% :x: 20
audit/intakelib/checks/ 83% :x: 28
audit/intakelib/checks/ 91% :white_check_mark: 18
audit/intakelib/checks/ 76% :x: 18 27
audit/intakelib/checks/ 88% :white_check_mark: 21
audit/intakelib/checks/ 81% :x: 23 33
audit/intakelib/checks/ 83% :x: 11 49 58
audit/intakelib/checks/ 82% :x: 25 35
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audit/intakelib/checks/ 81% :x: 23 33
audit/intakelib/checks/ 73% :x: 30 40-41
audit/intakelib/checks/ 95% :white_check_mark: 187 217
audit/intakelib/common/ 90% :white_check_mark: 22 39
audit/intakelib/transforms/ 81% :x: 14
audit/management/commands/ 47% :x: 40-46
audit/models/ 86% :white_check_mark: 59 61 66 68 210 216 228 240-243 261 438 456-457 465 487 585-586 590 598 607 613
audit/views/ 27% :x: 25-74 77-117 120-137
audit/views/ 86% :white_check_mark: 73-80
audit/views/ 98% :white_check_mark: 113-114
audit/views/ 78% :x: 15-16 21-22 29-39
audit/views/ 96% :white_check_mark: 182-183
audit/views/ 34% :x: 23-41 44-79
audit/views/ 57% :x: 28-51 73-87
audit/views/ 26% :x: 32-35 44 91-117 120-170 178-209
audit/views/ 53% :x: 74 81-100 123-124 198-199 220-230 257 268-269 280-281 283-287 329-342 345-359 364-377 394-400 405-425 452-456 461-490 533-537 542-562 589-593 598-627 670-674 679-691 694-704 709-721 754-768
census_historical_migration/ 98% :white_check_mark: 30
census_historical_migration/ 26% :x: 57-89 93-111 116-155 161-187 246-258 263 273-307
census_historical_migration/ 94% :white_check_mark: 50 54 58 62 66
census_historical_migration/ 75% :x: 17 21 25 29 33-42 46
census_historical_migration/ 96% :white_check_mark: 19
census_historical_migration/ 99% :white_check_mark: 219-220
census_historical_migration/sac_general_lib/ 91% :white_check_mark: 28 82-87 336
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census_historical_migration/sac_general_lib/ 86% :white_check_mark: 166-167 177-178 186-187 195-200 233-255 354-355
census_historical_migration/sac_general_lib/ 90% :white_check_mark: 34
census_historical_migration/sac_general_lib/ 84% :x: 35 62-71
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census_historical_migration/transforms/ 67% :x: 10
census_historical_migration/transforms/ 87% :white_check_mark: 17
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 84% :x: 58-60 67-77
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census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 46% :x: 49-51 65 93-125 134-153
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 69% :x: 110 119-124 129-136 140-158 171-175 189-192
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 77% :x: 181-184 262-301 487 554-562 572-597 621-622 918-1022
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 69% :x: 81-86 154-174 179-199 216-218 330-354
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 46% :x: 50-51 67 97-129 138-160
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 66% :x: 34-38 101-102 104-105 107-108 136-143 152-160 168-170 279-326
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 21% :x: 22-35 66-83 89-111
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 88% :white_check_mark: 128-130 186-205
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 38% :x: 14-17 26-41
census_historical_migration/workbooklib/ 41% :x: 18-30
config/ 94% :white_check_mark: 22
config/ 92% :white_check_mark: 33-34 49-50
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dissemination/ 81% :x: 43-61 91-93
dissemination/ 87% :white_check_mark: 135 144 255
dissemination/ 88% :white_check_mark: 113 115 119 127-128
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dissemination/ 98% :white_check_mark:
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dissemination/migrations/ 47% :x: 10-12
dissemination/searchlib/ 37% :x: 44-58 78-110 115-177 184-187
dissemination/searchlib/ 86% :white_check_mark: 21-22
dissemination/searchlib/ 76% :x: 18-24 34 36 38
dissemination/searchlib/ 96% :white_check_mark: 138
dissemination/searchlib/ 35% :x: 21-31
djangooidc/ 78% :x: 32 57-63
djangooidc/ 66% :x: 19 21 23 28
djangooidc/ 16% :x: 32-35 45-51 64-70 92-149 153-199 203-226 230-275 280-281 286
djangooidc/ 81% :x: 22 43 109-110 117
djangooidc/tests/ 97% :white_check_mark:
report_submission/ 92% :white_check_mark: 39
report_submission/ 98% :white_check_mark: 835
report_submission/ 79% :x: 97 252 276-277 282-283 323-493 496-506 565 601-603 611-612 615-617
report_submission/templatetags/ 76% :x: 8 11-14 18
support/ 88% :white_check_mark: 76 79 84 91-97 100-102
support/ 91% :white_check_mark: 29-32 92 116-120 156
support/ 81% :x: 23 147-148 237-238 317-318
support/ 98% :white_check_mark: 174-175 264
support/management/commands/ 98% :white_check_mark: 20-21
support/models/ 89% :white_check_mark: 103-104
tools/ 89% :white_check_mark: 96
users/ 99% :white_check_mark: 27
users/ 96% :white_check_mark: 58-59
users/ 96% :white_check_mark: 18 74-75
users/fixtures/ 91% :white_check_mark:

Minimum allowed coverage is 85%

Generated by :monkey: cobertura-action against dd9f45cac8c5e1a3466cc46a15b7465e53df8c12