Phil/James P. will be your onboarding buddy and can help you if you get stuck on any of the steps in the checklist below. There's also a separate checklist that your onboarding buddy will tackle!
For you
Here's a checklist to get you started and to make sure you've got access to :all-the-things:!
[x] If you're not already a member of BOTH the GSA and GSA-TTS GitHub organizations, follow the process outlined here, requesting access to the appropriate org(s). When it's time to send the mail, look up the Product Lead (see the staffing list) then start with this template, mailing from your GSA email address:
Cc: [the product lead]
Subject: GSA and GSA-TTS GitHub organization membership
[Edit the following text to put in your GitHub username and your GSA email address, then remove this instruction text.]
Please add my GitHub account ( to the following GitHub organizations:
I will be working on the FAC project:
I have cc'd the FAC Product Lead for awareness.
Thank you!
(Note this step could take a few days; humans handle these requests.)
Welcome to the team @rnovak338!
Phil/James P. will be your onboarding buddy and can help you if you get stuck on any of the steps in the checklist below. There's also a separate checklist that your onboarding buddy will tackle!
For you
Here's a checklist to get you started and to make sure you've got access to :all-the-things:!
[x] Get access to our GitHub repositories
team. This will grant you read/write access to our repositories.For engineers, also...
For your onboarding buddy
Note: If you're not able to do any of these yourself, you're still responsible for making sure that the right person makes them happen!
For engineers, also...