GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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As someone with access to a submitted audit, I want to be able to view my submitted audits. #414

Closed melchoyce closed 1 year ago

melchoyce commented 2 years ago

Breakout issue of #339.

This issue covers the design of previewing submitted audits.


We've been discussing the possibility of editing submitted audits, and it looks like that's off the table per this info from @jadudm:

Once the Clearinghouse (the legal entity which implements the systems that handle the audits — meaning, the GSA) accepts an audit, it triggers a process. Specifically, agencies have a limited amount of time to respond to the audits once they are “accepted” by the Clearinghouse. If we allow editing after submission, we have a number of complex challenges to deal with: What if there is s submission one day before it is due, an agency pulls the data later that night, and begins their evaluation processes the next day.

  1. One week later, an auditor discovers an error, and wants to edit. Is the audit still on time?
  2. The audit has already been reviewed, and there are findings. What if the edits obviate the findings? What should the agency do?
  3. The audit has not yet been reviewed; how do we indicate to the agency that this particular audit needs to be downloaded again? How do they keep track of the versioning. (We might have a database; they might have a person armed with a spreadsheet.)

There are more questions, no doubt, but they all have implications.

  1. Being late is considered Rather Bad™. It has legal implications, and the grantee can be labeled a “risk,” lowering their changes of receiving future Federal grants.
  2. The process of reviewing the audits is time consuming and critical to oversight; how do we “track changes,” or do Federal agencies have to try and manage the differences between two PDFs that might be between 20 and 200 pages long? What processes or policies even exist for such a situation?
  3. We know we need notifications, but this becomes very complex very quickly, especially with pass-through entities.

However, we found in interviews that people expect to see their submitted audits within the audit list, so we need some way to handle that. @austinhernandez's latest design has them listed as such:


We need to figure out what happens when someone clicks to view that submitted audit, since they won't be able to edit. Some possibilities:

@tadhg-ohiggins would love your and the devs' input on what's feasible here for an MVP.

Acceptance criteria (We'll know we're done when...)


Definition of Done

melchoyce commented 2 years ago

We chatted this over in our design/dev sync today, and it sounds like this won't be feasible for the MVP:

We display the audit pages as read-only with a notice explaining that since the audit is submitted, they can't made additional changes

Some other options that came up:

austinhernandez commented 2 years ago

Totally agree. The UI heuristics I want to be mindful of are:

I think this is a bigger issue of:

  1. "where do we point people to help?"
  2. "who is the point person for updating things like the cognizant agency list?"
  3. "where do we collect and document these things that may need to be on an FAQ or need additional testing?"
melchoyce commented 2 years ago

After chatting about this in our design sync today, we've decided the simplest option is:

Instead of directing to the submission edit page, the report link generates a full export of the submitted report and prompts a download.

petermarks-gsa commented 1 year ago

@melchoyce Thinking this through, generating a full export of the submitted report in a useful format is potentially a large lift and is possibly more in line with the goal of the second (non-MVP) data dissemination release. Can we quantify the user impact of not being able to do this for MVP?