GSA's Federal Audit Clearinghouse
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User survey to auditors for FAC Resources page #470

Closed erinzstrenio closed 1 year ago

erinzstrenio commented 2 years ago

Breakout issue of #458


We're sending out a user survey to ~150 auditors to find out which resources are most helpful to them when submitting audits to the FAC. We'll need to go through PRA approval before sending out the survey.

The survey asks auditors: "How would you rate this resource...?" on a scale of "not at all helpful" to "very helpful." The survey asks them about each resource that AICPA and Census recommend we include on the FAC resources page. Once we get survey results back, we can decide which resource links we want to include on the page based on which ones are rated as most helpful.

Acceptance criteria (We'll know we're done when...)


erinzstrenio commented 2 years ago

Here's a link to the survey:

And attached is the completed ICR form for PRA approval. FAC user testing - ICR for GSA A11 Section 280 Clearance.docx.pdf

erinzstrenio commented 2 years ago

Email from GSA PRA office on 9/21:

The request has been submitted. We’ll follow up with you in about a week to confirm approval or forward any questions from OIRA.

melchoyce commented 1 year ago

We have PRA approval as of 10/5/22 🎉

I'll handle the next steps for this.

melchoyce commented 1 year ago

Hey @erinzstrenio, do you happen to remember if we have any email copy drafted already? I'm finally circling back to this.

melchoyce commented 1 year ago

Surveys sent!

melchoyce commented 1 year ago

I closed the survey this morning. We ended up with 16 total respondents.

Here are the results, ranked in order of score average:

1. Assistance Listings from

assistance listings Ave. score: 4.75

2. Compliance supplements from OMB

compliance supplements Ave. score: 4.5

3. Government Auditing Standards (GAO) Yellow Book

gao yellow book Ave. score: 4.5

4. FAQs on Uniform Guidance/Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

faqs on uniform guidance Ave. score: 4.125

5. GAO Green Book, Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government

gao green book Ave. score: 3.9375

6. Compliance Audits

compliance audits Ave. score: 3.875

7. Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements

consideration of laws Ave. score: 3.6875

8. Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit

communicating internal contrl related matters Ave. score: 3.625

9. Audit report validator

audit report validator Ave. score: 3.5625

10. UEI registration on

uei reg Ave. score: 3.4375

11. Federal program contacts

federal programcontacts Ave. score: 3.375

12. Single Audit Act (SAA)

saa Ave. score: 3.3125

13. US Code codified by year and subject

us code Ave. score: 3.1875

melchoyce commented 1 year ago

We also had some freeform answers:

Do you refer to any other resources on a regular basis to help you more easily complete your audits on the FAC? List any resources here.