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FY24 GSA Website(s) Self Assessment #22

Closed ianhabit-gsa closed 2 months ago

ianhabit-gsa commented 4 months ago

Hello, GSA Website Managers!

As part of GSA’s FY24 SES Digital Experience performance requirements, every Website Manager/web team must complete a website self-assessment, and submit it to GSA’s Digital Council by 9/30/2024.

We know 9/30 seems a ways off, but we’re now ready to accept your site’s self-assessment, if you’d like to get an early start on it. Note, the DLP Self-Assessment Checklist has been updated to incorporate the latest federal web policy guidance, including OMB M-23-22.


First, open the folder for your program (i.e., TTS folks, open the TTS folder):

FAS FY24 website self-assessments

OGP FY24 website self-assessments

PBS FY24 website self-assessments

TTS FY24 website self-assessments

All others FY24 website self-assessments

Then, make a copy of the DLP Self-Assessment Checklist and save it to your program folder

When naming your assessment gSheet, please include the name of your website, and “FY24”

Example: FY24 DLP Self-Assessment Checklist

Note, if you have the appropriate program folder (see above) open when you make your copy, the folder will show up in your “suggested” locations, and you won’t have to search for it.

When you’ve completed the assessment, please tag Rachel Flagg - O in the gSheet, or email Rachel with the link, to submit it.

Assessments are due NLT 9/30/2024.

Next steps

Later in Q3/Q4, we’ll offer Office Hours sessions, in case you have any questions about completing or submitting your assessment. We’ll send you a calendar invite once we get those scheduled.

Once we’ve received all the assessments, GSA’s Digital Council will analyze them to identify how our websites, collectively, are meeting GSA and federal policy and law, and where we might need to offer additional training or support.

Thank you for your work, not only to complete this exercise, but also for the work you do every day to deliver a great digital experience to our customers.

Please let me or your Digital Council rep know if you have any questions or need assistance.

ianhabit-gsa commented 3 months ago Checklist

Still some lingering questions here that I'll need to consult with @atabing11 and the vendor about. Checklist

Since FDMS is non-public facing, we're exempt from a lot of this. However, I was informed that we need to implement DAP on the site. No definite timeframe.

ianhabit-gsa commented 3 months ago

@atabing11 Need to review results with you and then get your sign off to submit.