GSA-TTS / OROS-eRulemaking

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Research collaboration request from Oklahoma University #70

Closed ianhabit-gsa closed 2 months ago

ianhabit-gsa commented 3 months ago

Lead PI Yifu Li from O.U. is requesting a letter of collaboration from our program for a grant proposal request to the NSF. Research centers around using AI/ML to combat spam that is modeled after real human language.

Full text:

Hi Tobias and Ian, I am Yifu Li, one of the PIs on the NSF-funded e-rulemaking spamming mitigation project with Matthew, Eleana, and JN at the University of Oklahoma. During our last meeting, I learned a lot about the GSA’s technical development of comment spamming and was excited about the rapid growth of this emerging area led by GSA. As the previous project comes near completion, I still see great potential in this area and want to do something more.

My research mainly focuses on the spectral theory-based AI/ML in natural language processing (e.g., syntax-based language processing). I am applying a five-year NSF CAREER project this year studying AI/ML-driven solutions at combating comment spamming that mimicks real human based large-language models, e.g., GPT-alike.

I am wondering if I can have your letter of collaboration in this proposal, attached above. It would be great in the future if we could test any anti-spamming model I generate if this project gets funded. However, at this stage, NSF only requires expressing interest of collaboration via a letter. I am also attaching the project summary here.

Thank you, Yifu

ianhabit-gsa commented 2 months ago

Reply and let them know we'll circle back after a review.